Getting My Mind Right: The Skinny On How I’m Doing

I am now officially on weight maintenance and trying to find an eating plan that will work. My weight is staying level, but I am really sort of dieting and sort of eating carefully. I am having funny, but exciting, things happening. The other day, I had my hand on one side of the middle of my abdomen and I noticed something protruding. I found Nancy and said, “Something right here is sticking out”. She asked me if I had one on the other side and, when I did, pointed out that I was feeling my rib cage. This morning … Continue reading

Why You Need To Be Careful Going Low Carb

Though the height of the low-carb phase has died out, many people struggling to lose weight still turn to low carbohydrate diets. In many cases, when adhered to strictly, these diets produce a great weight loss in a much shorter period of time than with other eating plans. But before you decide to jump on the low-carb bandwagon, there are a few things you need to consider: Low carb diets aren’t for wimps-That’s right, if you’re one of those dieters who starts a diet on Monday only to cave by Wednesday, do not do a low-carb diet. Why? Because as … Continue reading

Why do Most Diets Fail

If you were to look at the majority of diets people try, most fail. In fact, not only does the person on the diet not lose weight but also often when the diet is over, he or she will actually gain more weight than what was trying to be lost in the first place. As you can imagine, this is frustrating but there is good reason. You see, when someone eats too much, it is because the brain does not have enough neurotransmitters. What happens is that this imbalance causes the body to try to find a replacement, usually in … Continue reading

You On A Diet by Dr. Roizen and Dr. Oz

Since it’s a new year and most of us have resolved to take better care of ourselves, me included, I thought I would review some of Dr. Oz’s books. You On A Diet is a great book. We all know that in order to lose weight we need to eat fewer calories and move more, sounds simple but we know the reality. This book will not only give you tips to get in the best shape you can, it explains why you gain weight and how to change that. The first thing that caught my attention about this book is … Continue reading

Get Free Milk and Oreo Cookies This June!

Few things will capture the attention of people who have a taste for sweets than the offer of free cookies. Certain kinds of cookies, like Oreos, seem to have been perfectly designed to be dunked in milk. Right now, you can get free milk and Oreo cookies when you enter the sweepstakes on the Oreo website. How do you like to eat your Oreos? Do you take small bites of them, savoring every last morsel? Do you prefer to shove the entire cookie into your mouth, all at once, and then proceed to chew it to bits? Many people like … Continue reading

When the “Want” Isn’t There

In my last blog I talked about the “start again” routine that so many of us battle. We will start again on Monday, after the next holiday and the list of excuses goes on. When you get serious about fitness there is no “start again” thinking going on. Now is the time. But I also talked about how you have to want to get in shape, lose weight, eat healthier or whatever else you have purposed to change. Yet the truth is that many of us don’t. I mean, sure, on a surface level we want to but if we … Continue reading

What is Phenylketonuria?

If you read the labels on your foods… and you’re a diet soda drinker (like I am), you may have noticed a little warning: PHENYLKETONURICS: CONTAINS PHENYLALANINE. I always figured it was some sort of food allergy, mainly because the warning comes in the same place I usually see warnings about wheat, milk, egg, soy, and tree nut warnings. Phenylketonuria (also called PKU) is an inherited disorder where a person can’t process one of the amino acids found in many foods: phenylalanine or “phe”. Because the body can’t process phe, it builds up in the body. In infants and children, … Continue reading

Can Dramatic Weight Loss Be Maintained?

I’ve seen countless talk shows and TV commercials showing various different celebrity-types who have lost twenty, thirty, fifty pounds . . . and just months later, seen their pictures in the tabloids, having put the weight back on. This phenomenon holds true for us regular folk, too—it’s just that more attention is paid to celebrities who “fail” at their diets because they’ve got the eyes of the paparazzi on them. For those who have lost a hundred pounds or more, the tendency is the same—they lose the weight and then for some reason, put the weight back on. Why is … Continue reading

Who Is at Risk for Calcium Deficiency?

Certain types of people may be at higher risk of calcium deficiency than others. They may need extra calcium in their diets (or in supplement form) in order to prevent a deficiency. Postmenopausal women may be at higher risk for calcium deficiency. During menopause, many women experience increased bone loss — most rapidly during the first five years. Why is this? As the body produces less estrogen, the body absorbs less calcium and creates less new bone. Combination hormone therapy (estrogen and progestin) can help prevent osteoporosis and fractures, but comes with a whole bunch of potential side effects. Estrogen … Continue reading

A Simple Plan for Weight Loss

While I fine-tune my diet, I’m researching what other people are doing. I look for people who have maintained weight loss for a number of years. After all, they must be doing something right. Sometimes, I come across experts who really explain issues with weight loss in a way that I can understand. Although knowing the science behind their reasoning is helpful, I don’t have the time, patience, or attention span to muddle through a bunch of five dollar words or a gazillion pages of text. Give it to me straight and let me see if I can work with … Continue reading