Taking Out The Bad Foods

Well I must confess I have a secret I like chocolate, I have 3 kids that I just took trick or treating. When we got home we went through the candy picked out anything that looked even a little open, tossed the pixie sticks also known as pure sugar. We only allow them 2 pieces on Halloween night and then 1 piece every day for about 2 weeks. Now we are not talking about the regular size bars these are just the little fun size bars now they are not great for them but they are still kids and I … Continue reading

Starting Your Own Niche Site

Like myself, many single parents tend to work solely from home so we can take care of our kids, perhaps home school them, and try to fill as many roles as possible in our children’s lives. Though there are a hundred scams for every one legitimate WAH business, there are some solid ways to help make ends meet. Freelance writing is one, as well as Internet marketing. These days, most families have access to the internet, which gives you a virtual money-making machine right at your fingertips. All it takes is some time and perseverance, and a healthy dose of … Continue reading

Confessions of a “Foodie” Mom

Okay, here goes. Like Mary Ann said, I’ve often kept my weight loss efforts from people outside the immediate family. I figure if I succeed, they’ll notice, and if I fail, they won’t know I tried. (Hmm…I suspect that’s why some kids don’t try in school….maybe we adults are not so different from children after all.) But, sometimes accountability to someone else is easier than accountability to ourselves (I know that’s sad, but true.) So now I will be accountable to all of you. I’m a 40-year-old mom with three kids; the youngest is a kindergartener. I have been writing … Continue reading

Mother’s Day Surprises

Mother’s Day will be here shortly and for most moms it will be filled with some sort of surprise given your children’s ages. A single mom with no support from anyone else cannot rely on someone to take their child shopping for a gift for you, but that is okay. The best gifts are made from the heart with their own two, sweet, little hands. Providing your kids know it is Mother’s Day they will be busy preparing something special just for you. Your job is to pretend that you know absolutely nothing, that you see absolutely nothing, and that … Continue reading

Author Interview: Haley Hatch Freeman, Part Two

We are joined by Haley Hatch Freeman, author of the new book “A Future for Tomorrow.” Yesterday we began our conversation with Haley and she told us of her struggles with anorexia as a teenager which she documents in her book. We continue our chat today. Haley, thank you for being here with us today. One section of “A Future for Tomorrow” deals with a period of time during your recovery when you had to deal with dark influences. How did you come to peace with that in such a way that you were able to share it with others … Continue reading

Dear Heather .. I Was Diagnosed with Diabetes …

Dear Heather, I went to the doctor recently because I’ve been tired all the time, I got the shakes and experienced a few other troubling systems including incontinence and severe thirst. During the course of the general exam, she asked me a lot of questions and I’ll admit it, I’m overweight and I could probably stand to lose about 75 pounds or more. She recommended a few tests and when all was said and done, she told me I had diabetes. It’s Type II, the kind you get when you’re in bad physical shape like I am and when you’ve … Continue reading

Weight Loss Terms to Know

We throw a lot of specific words around when we discuss weight loss issues. I thought it was high time we clarify them. Adipose Tissue: Body fat. Aerobic: The kind of exercise that get’s you breathing fast and heavy. Anaerobic: Exercise that uses muscles at high intensity and a high rate of work for a short period of time. Resistance training is a form of anaerobic exercise. Basal Metabolic Rate: (BMR) The number of calories your body needs to just exist, not move. Body Mass Index: (BMI) A number achieved through height & weight measurements. It is fairly inaccurate when … Continue reading

Day #1 on Body-for-Life

So you’ve decided to give the Body-for-Life program a try. You’re going to dedicate the next twelve weeks to improving your body and your life. Congratulations! As the first official day on the program, today is the day that you’ll want to take care of a few important things: 1. Take some baseline measurements to measure your progress over the next twelve weeks. 2. Set some goals for what you hope to achieve on the program. 3. Get your kitchen stocked and ready to support you, not sabotage you. 4. Familiarize yourself with the Families.com blogs, read them and get … Continue reading

Is Gastric Bypass Surgery for You?

If you can still lose weight by following a healthy diet and exercise then bariatric surgery is not for you. If you think you’d rather just have surgery to make the weight go away so that you can get on with your life then bariatric surgery is definitely not for you! Having a gastric bypass is not the easy way to weight loss. It simply provides motivated individuals with a second chance to do it right. Even after the surgery you’ll have to eat right and exercise to meet your goal weight. The surgery itself just resets your system so … Continue reading

Why am I Writing this Weight Loss Blog?

I have never found an online forum on weight loss where the moderator/writer was someone who had been obese and made it to “the other side”. Who better to talk with people who want to lose weight than someone who has felt their pain and been through everything that they are going through? I am passionate about this topic because I live it! At my heaviest, I weighed 265. I’m not proud of that, but I don’t mind saying it because I know that there are other people out there who have gone over that 200-pound mark and they may … Continue reading