Exercise Can Improve Your Ability to Parent

Everyone knows that getting regular exercise is important. Exercise helps you lose weight, tone muscle, and stay healthy. Did you know that exercise can actually improve your ability to parent your children? This revelation could give parents a whole new reason to start exercising. Stasia Bliss wrote an article at Liberty Voice about the many ways that exercise improves parenting. She notes that when you are exercising you are nourishing yourself. Personally, I see what she is suggesting as “me time”. When you are exercising, your entire focus is on yourself and what your body is doing. It is a … Continue reading

Take Your Time

Homeschooling is not a race to the finish line. It is a journey that one should savor and enjoy. It is exploration not a raid on a new land. It is self discovery not artificial intelligence. It is education not schooling. Education takes time and patience. Schooling is rushing through a curriculum to advance to the next grade. Homeschooling frees you of grade levels, systems, and mediocre expectations. There is no need to get through Lessons 1 through 5 today when you can explore nature and spend time visiting the Hundred Acre Wood with Pooh and friends. When you are … Continue reading

Utilizing Extended Family in Your School

Sometimes when we think of homeschooling, we tend to get caught in the rut of thinking we have to do everything ourselves. That’s overwhelming and can make us think there’s no way we can do it, but you know what? That’s not true. We can get outside help. We can go on field trips, we can co-op with other homeschoolers, and we can call on family members to help. My dad spoke Spanish, and before he passed away, I would take my children over to see him so they could ask him their Spanish-related questions. Even though it had been … Continue reading

Teaching Mini Manners, Part 2

Manners to be enforced in preschool years: Do not make fun of someone’s appearance or call names: As mentioned, children are bound to say anything that crosses their minds. It is important to teach a child that insulting someone is unacceptable. A child may not understand she is insulting someone but only pointing out a fact such as someone has a large nose or is overweight. A child also may not understand that laughing at another person is hurtful. Children are egocentric and need constant direction in this area. Take swift action if your child insults another person or child. … Continue reading

A Whopping 25% of Children on Diets in America!

Research on the subject of children dieting was found on an unlikely source, a coupon code site. Apparently, a trend had been noticed and www.CouponCodes4U.com, polled Americans to get their input on Halloween candy. To their surprise they found that 19% of parents did not allow their children to go “trick or treating” due to the amount of candy they would consume. The poll also revealed that 26% of children under the age of 12 were on diets. Now you may ask just how many people responded to this poll on this coupon site. That is a valid question and … Continue reading

What are you teaching your children about weight?

Children learn by watching their parents. Even though there are many things competing for our children’s attention and devotion in the end parental influence reigns supreme. Parental influence is the greatest factor in how a child behaves and the choices he comes to make. Sure there are exceptions to every rule and this is not a blame on parents for mislead children. However, parents must heed warning that children are always watching and looking to use for guidance in all things. As such what do parents teach their children about weight and body image? Children of overweight parents are twice … Continue reading

Teaching an Active Lifestyle from an Early Age

There are many temptations that keep us inside and sitting for long periods of time. We spend our evenings watching TV, catching up on Facebook, playing video games, board games, or eating long dinners with those we love. Individually, these things are not negative to our well being. However, anything taken to an extreme will have a negative effect on our lives and possibly the lives of our children. What do your children see you do on a regular basis? Are you encouraging a healthy active lifestyle? When I was a child, the neighborhoods were buzzing with children riding bikes, … Continue reading

Is Your Child a Bully?

The dictionary defines bullying as: “When one child picks on another child repeatedly. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or social. It can happen at school, on the playground, on the school bus, in the neighborhood, etc.” My daughter is young enough that bullying hasn’t become a huge topic in our home, save for when she watches the “Arthur” episode, which features a gang of schoolyard bullies, that end up being a lot nicer than they first appear. Still, bullying is a real and dangerous issue for many children. The Oprah Winfrey Show recently addressed the widespread problem of bullying, and … Continue reading

Single Parenting and Your Growing Child: It is Time for the Talk

Single parenting, oh the joys! Another job that we cannot pawn off on anyone else and that is “The Talk”. It helps if you are divorced in this case and the other parent is involved, but what if there is no other parent? Yes, I am afraid to tell you, you are it, again. Talking to your kids about growing up is probably one of the least favorite things that you will do as a parent. It is not too uncomfortable for the parent, but it is usually uncomfortable for the child. Because it is uncomfortable for them, we are … Continue reading

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle for Your Family

Spring has officially come, and it is a great time to help your family focus on caring for themselves in a healthy way. The Word of Wisdom teaches us to care for our bodies. We need to be careful about what we eat and choose to put into our bodies. We also need to care for our bodies through exercise and proper rest. As we do this our family life will be smoother and everyone will be happier. Here are some ideas to help you get your family choosing a healthier lifestyle. 1) Plan a family home evening lesson that … Continue reading