The Eat Clean Diet

The Eat Clean diet is one that has gained popularity over the years. The main idea is to choose foods that are unprocessed. It is always a good idea to speak with a doctor before starting a new diet. What is the Eat Clean Diet? The Eat Clean Diet is different from other diets because it encourages a lifestyle approach that includes healthy eating and exercise. The main idea is to avoid foods that are “unclean”. In general, this means people who choose the Eat Clean Diet are consuming whole foods and avoiding processed foods that contain artificial flavorings, artificial … Continue reading

Why Aren’t I Losing Weight?

A question that is asked by many is this…why aren’t I losing weight when I am eating healthy and exercising? This can be very discouraging. It seems like you are doing everything right, yet the pounds aren’t dropping. Well there are some important things to consider. The first is that it could be your body is gaining muscle. This is especially true if you have been doing a lot of resistance (strength) training. Another potential reason is that while you may not be losing pounds, you could be losing inches. This is why it’s always a good idea to not … Continue reading

The Dukan Diet

Last week I watched a segment on “The View” that covered the “Dukan Diet.” There have apparently been some rumors that Kate Middleton was on this diet in order to prepare for her wedding. Of course, that has not been confirmed. The Dukan Diet consists of four phases which are the attack phase, cruise phase, consolidation phase, and ending with the stabilization phase. The attack phase of the Dukan Diet allows for you to eat mostly protein items such as seafood, lean meat, fish, poultry, turkey, dairy, oat and a few other items. This lasts from two to seven days, … Continue reading

Is Your Daily Drinking Habit Killing Your Diet?

You can exercise for two hours a day, but if you are downing thousands of calories during your post-workout meals, then all your hard work is not doing much to help sculpt your physique. And even if you are not indulging in hot fudge sundaes and pepperoni pizza following your sweat sessions, you could still be sabotaging your fitness goals. According to a new study, 75 percent of U.S. adults are projected to be overweight or obese by 2015, and many of them have their drinking habits to blame. Researchers say Americans consume anywhere from 150 to 300 more calories … Continue reading

Keeping Your Weight Under Control During Menopause

Hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats and middle age spread. You cannot fight city hall they say, but ah, wait a minute. Yes, you can. If you are totally aware and conscious of all of these things that are taking place in your body you can fight back against it. It is not easy by any means, but by making a concentrated effort you will succeed in your quest. Menopause is that time in a woman’s life when her menstrual cycle ceases and with it so does her childbearing capabilities. Some are relieved by this, especially those that have had … Continue reading

A Glass of Water for Weight Loss?

My husband and I are both trying to lose weight. I am trying to lose a few inches of my baby belly and my husband is trying to lose the weight he gained from all those romantic dinners at Olive Garden during our first years together. Since I am nursing my 4-month-old, I’m a little limited when it comes to dieting, but my husband has radically changed his diet. In addition to eating a lot of lean protein, fish, and plenty of fruits and vegetables, he has increased his daily water intake. Can water really help you lose weight? It … Continue reading

Fad Diet, Crash Diet: Take Two

There are some crash diets that even the experts partake in. One assistant professor at a well-known university in Louisville states that she had thought because she was getting so much exercise in that she could eat whatever she wanted. She soon found out that that was not the case. Her crash plan included lots of salad and no desserts. Fruit is also an option. Starchy foods, such as breads and pastas will not pass her lips when dieting either. Protein is also welcome. Proteins such as lean meats and fish will definitely work to your advantage when you are … Continue reading

Foods That Promote Weight Loss

The whole idea of a diet is to not only decrease the amount of weight that you are carrying around, but also to develop new and healthful eating habits. If you just work to get your weight down and do not concentrate on a new eating lifestyle as well you will lose the weight, but you will most likely not keep the weight off. Millions of people go on diets each year in order to rid themselves of weight and they are successful a good part of the time. However, many also go back to eating the same way that … Continue reading

Ten Tips for Weight Loss Success

If you are looking for some good ways to eat right and not necessarily diet then here are ten simple steps toward a healthier you. You will most likely lose weight following these tips depending on how well you follow them, but you will definitely be healthier. 1. Do not skip meals, especially breakfast. Even a light meal is better than no meal at all, as this will keep your metabolism running. 2. Cut calories to about 1200 to 1400 calories a day. 3. Eat more vegetables and fruits. 4. Keep breads to a minimum. Cut back to just a … Continue reading

Treats for Pets with Dietary Restrictions

When it comes to food, my two dogs are very different. Lally is the sort of dog who will only eat when she’s hungry; I could leave a bowl of food out all day and she’d regulate herself. Moose is a chow hound; he’ll eat until there’s nothing left and then eat some more. I can’t leave food out for him, because he’d never stop eating! It’s very hard to manage Moose’s weight when he never turns down food. The vet suggested that we avoid chewy snacks — they generally have a higher fat content than crunchy, dry snacks have. … Continue reading