Easter After Effects: The Sugar High Blues

It is the day after Easter and not a peep in the house. Where are they? You go upstairs to find two small children fast asleep at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. Huh? Why, they are usually wide awake causing chaos and havoc at this time of the day when there is no school. This is the day after. The day after Easter. These children are suffering from the sugar high blues. Easter was wonderful. The children awoke to find beautifully decorated Easter baskets all decked out in colorful cellophane wrap put together by yours truly. Yes, they had far … Continue reading

Weight a Minute! Obsessing Over the Scale

I have a love/hate relationship with my bathroom scale. Okay, let’s be completely honest – I have a resignation/hate relationship with my scale. I have gained back eleven of the pounds I lost a few months ago, and there are days when I’d just as soon throw my scale out the window than step on it. Although, depending on my self-esteem on any given day, I admit that standing on the scale is pretty good punishment for it. Take that, you scale! However, despite the fact that the numbers are higher than I would like, several people over the last … Continue reading

Weight a Minute: Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch

When last we saw Tristi, she had just given up sugar. (Cue melodramatic music) A sugar addict for most of her life, she had come to a point where her dependence on sugar was making her incapable of dealing with life’s challenges on her own terms and with her own strength. How has our heroine done? Did she conquer the savage beast, or did she succumb, sinking back into her pit of despair and despond, a box of donuts clutched in her arms? Sounds like a soap opera, but you know what, that’s not too far off from the truth. … Continue reading