Ways to Survive the Holidays While Dieting

During the holiday seasons, most people completely blow the diet. The reason is the wonderful food and huge quantities that are constantly shoved in our faces. Holidays are definitely a time of year when every event is designed around food. Although a little bit is a great thing, too much can cause you to regain everything you worked so hard to lose. Therefore, to survive this holiday season without packing on the pounds, we have pulled some helpful tips together. For starters, many people go out to eat during the holidays. If you are among those, take time to call … Continue reading

Feeling Guilty About Thanksgiving? Seven Tips to Help Curb Holiday Overeating!

If you celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, I hope you had a lovely day full of good food and great family and friends. I also hope you have no regrets about your eating behaviors. Thanksgiving and other holidays tend to encourage bad habits. The meals are full of “special” foods we don’t get on a regular basis, so there can be a feeling that you NEED to overindulge because you’re not going to see it again for another year. Plus, there’s just SO MANY good foods to sample — you don’t want to insult the chefs by not filling your plate, right? … Continue reading

Healthy Halloween: Healthy Handouts

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday. It’s the dressing up, mostly… the chance to be someone or something else for a day! I don’t mind the candy, either. But the candy is definitely a mixed blessing. Halloween can be a BIG test of your willpower and diet abilities! So what are some healthy alternatives? Fruit. Apples and oranges are usually easily found during the fall months — and they’re good for you! Handing out fruit might not make you very popular with the kids… but the parents might appreciate the healthy snack appearing in the goodie bags. 100 calorie … Continue reading

Using a Calorie Burned Calculator

You would be amazed at how many calories you can burn in a single day. Many of the things we do day in and day out, burn excessive calories but to have a full understanding of the amount of calories burned, you could use any online calorie burned calculator. Remember, to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than the body is consuming. In most cases, experts will advise you that to lose weight, you should set a goal to cut back 500 calories a day. In other words, if you typically eat around 2,500 to 2,000 calories in a … Continue reading