Ways it Get Children Involved in Nutrition

To get your child involved in nutrition and a healthy lifestyle it needs to be relevant to their lives and made to be something important. Children are egocentric and if they think a topic has no place in their lives then getting them to make life long changes will not happen. Since children are driven by wants it will be hard to break the sugar habit if they do not understand the reason why. They also need mentoring and examples to help make any lifestyle changes occur. Here are ways to get your child to take nutrition and healthy eating … Continue reading

Pint-Sized Vegetarians

Last year my then 16-year-old cousin came home from school and announced to the family that he was becoming a vegetarian (never mind that he had just started working at a pizza parlor famous for their meat-lovers pie). My aunt was a bit taken aback by his declaration, but together they designed a menu with options that worked for both of them (she cooks all the meals for their family of eight). Personally, I was shocked by the announcement. After all, this was a kid who inhaled hot dogs for the first half of his life—now he was trading it … Continue reading

5 Ways To Connect As A Family

School has been in session for about a month and a half and for me the time as just flown by. If you are like most families in the country between schools, sports, work, and other activities it is hard to find the time to connect as a family. So try implementing one of these five ways and start connecting with your kids again. 1. Limit activities. Children don’t need to be involved in a million different things to be happy. In fact recent research shows that too many activities can put a strain upon a child increasing their stress. … Continue reading

Why Families Should Eat Dinner Together

One of the 10 things that happy families do is eat dinner together. Growing up I thought everyone ate dinner as a family. Yet now I realize that is not the case in fact most families eat dinner together only about four times a week and ten percent of families only eat together twice a week. And as children get older and the number of activities they are involved in increases the meals eaten as a family decrease, just when teenagers can benefit from family dinners the most. Studies show that families who eat dinner together benefit in a variety … Continue reading

Some Ads in Parenting Magazines Show Unsafe Practices

Flip through a parenting magazine while you are in line at the grocery store, or while waiting for your child to see the doctor. The photos and images your eyes skim over might actually be showing children who are doing unsafe things. These pretty photos in the advertisements may give parents the wrong idea when it comes to child safety. Parenting magazines, of course, are intended to be read by parents. These magazines offer advice on everything from nutrition and health issues, to how to cope when your child is having a public “meltdown”. One would reasonably assume that the … Continue reading

Feel the Burn Cleaning Your Home

Yesterday I discussed how many calories could be burned by common outdoor chores. Today I wanted to look into how many calories one burns doing common housework. No one has to tell me that housework burns calories. I feel the burn carrying laundry baskets from my upstairs to my basement and back up again. Sometimes the only thing that gets me through it is thinking of the calories I am burning. In fact, many household duties turned into calorie burning exercises make it more manageable. I am never sure how many calories I am burning but it feels like a … Continue reading

Fun Smoothies for Kids

Recently, I introduced you to a new brand of chocolate milk called TruMoo. TruMoo Chocolate milk is not a chocolate drink. It is made from real milk but void of high fructose corn syrup and growth hormones. The milk is not organic yet it does eliminate two dangerous elements. Growth hormones and high fructose corn syrup have no place on a child’s menu. If your children love chocolate milk as much as mine and you are looking for a less expensive yet safe option then TruMood may be for you. I know my children love it. They ask for chocolate … Continue reading

How Much Fluid Does Your Preschooler Need?

I worry about my daughter not drinking enough all the time. Not too long ago, she got a nasty stomach bug, and we almost had to give her an IV for dehydration. She does not drink a lot at meals either. She will take a tiny sip, and then put it back down on the table. I worry all the time about it. I am the opposite. I always have a drink in my hand. I drink my full 8 glasses of water a day, and then some. I am a chronically thirsty person. While I accept that she may … Continue reading

The Gates Donate $1.5 Billion to Maternal Health

We all know that Bill Gates has more money than God and Oprah put together, but it seems he tries to use at least part of it for good. Gates’ wife, Melinda announced this week that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is donating $1.5 billion to programs in developing countries to promote maternal and child health, including nutrition, vaccination, and family planning. In an interview with NPR’s Michele Norris, Melinda said, “We said AIDS is important, we said malaria is important, we’re saying now maternal and child deaths are important — and guess what? It’s actually possible to fix … Continue reading

Abrupt Weaning

Before the blogger hiatus and my own vacation I had started talking about weaning. There are several ways and methods used for weaning and for today and tomorrow, we’ll just address the issues surrounding abrupt weaning. Very few moms I know use this method. Even moms who decide to be done at a certain age generally don’t abruptly wean but rather build up to it so that they’re done by the time they want to be done. Abrupt weaning is actually quite harsh and is not really good for either mother or baby–even an older baby who is on solids. … Continue reading