Mall Walking for Fitness

I’m always looking for new and fun ways to stay fit. Mall walking is a great way to keep fit. If you live anywhere near one you might try walking the mall for an hour everyday. I don’t know about you but I get bored very easily when I am walking. I always change up my walking routine so that I don’t have to look at the same scenery over and over again. Mall walking gives you the opportunity to see new things. One of the benefits to mall walking is that you can enjoy other activities at the same … Continue reading

Walking: A Change of Scenery

If you walk for exercise you know that it can become mundane. If you are anything like me you have a particular path that you take and rarely do you veer from it. Sometimes I will change it up a bit by starting at the point I usually end and then going backward—not very exciting! But another idea hit me the other day when I was walking. Frankly, the past few mornings I have been walking the same route and getting tired of the same scenery. So the thought struck me. I don’t have to stick to the same route. … Continue reading

Hiking 101

Hiking is one of my passions. I love to hike whenever I can and daily if possible. To me hiking is a rewarding experience benefiting both your body and mind. Hiking is an excellent way to increase your cardiovascular health and have an enjoyable workout. Going hiking won’t feel like a workout as you enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery around you. It is good for your heart to walk. It is even better to add hills to your walking, something that most hiking trails can offer. The hills provide variation to your hike as well as intervals. Hiking … Continue reading

We Can Get Fit with Wii: Part 1

Have you seen the latest accessory kit for the Wii? Everyone’s favorite reality show, The Biggest Loser, has a new way for you to join in the mission to lose weight and get healthy. To enhance the Biggest Loser Wii video game, you can now purchase the Biggest Loser Wii Ultimate Fitness Kit. This is a fun way to get into shape or keep in shape. Now you know every year you promise yourself that you will lose weight, right? Well, for the past few years I know I have made that promise. Soon after that resolution, life gets in … Continue reading

Teaching an Active Lifestyle from an Early Age

There are many temptations that keep us inside and sitting for long periods of time. We spend our evenings watching TV, catching up on Facebook, playing video games, board games, or eating long dinners with those we love. Individually, these things are not negative to our well being. However, anything taken to an extreme will have a negative effect on our lives and possibly the lives of our children. What do your children see you do on a regular basis? Are you encouraging a healthy active lifestyle? When I was a child, the neighborhoods were buzzing with children riding bikes, … Continue reading

The Sanity Walk

I am not a huge, avid exercising sort of person. However, I am completely dedicated to my walks. The reality is, though, that walking emerged more as a way to stay sane and re-group as a parent than it did as any way of getting in a little daily movement. When my three kids were quite small, I could fit them all in the Red Flyer wagon and we could go for a walk around the neighborhood. The physical exertion of pulling the three of them and the fresh air tended to break up any sort of “funk” we were … Continue reading

Help – I’m Struggling to Lose Weight

Are you trying to lose weight but find the pounds not coming off, as you want? If so, you are certainly not alone. Millions of people are battling the bulge and feeling frustrated that the goal is not being reached. Okay, so how can you lose weight and then keep it off. For starters, I would encourage every reader to learn everything possible about the body and nutrition. The more educated you can become the more power you have to get the weight off and keep it off. Interestingly, most people understand little about proper nutrition. Therefore, go to your … Continue reading