Weight Loss after Childbirth

In the past year, we have seen a number of celebrities giving birth to beautiful babies. For instance Brooke Shields, Katie Holmes, Brittany Spears, Gwen Stephanie, and the list goes on, have all given birth. However, each of these women has also returned to pre-pregnancy weight very quickly. The reason – they have the money to buy personal trainers, on-site chefs, and the best of everything it takes to lose the weight. For the average mom giving birth to a beautiful baby, losing the weight is not so easy. I remember I gained 60 pounds with both of my children. … Continue reading

Untruths about Weight Loss

With so many different stories floating around pertaining to weight loss, it is no wonder people are confused. The key is being able to weed through the information and then determine what is and is not true. For instance, it is true that drinking eight glasses of water a day, consuming a balanced diet, and exercising are all great ways of losing weight. However, as you are about to discover, a number of misconceptions are out there that need to be understood. For instance, most of us have heard the old saying, “No pain – no gain”, meaning when you … Continue reading

How Fat Are You Really?

I made an interesting discovery while at the gym today. I met with a personal trainer (complimentary session) who discussed some goals with me, did some fitness testing, targeted areas of concern, matched them up with some other data from testing (weight, body fat tests…) and gave me a plan outline for me to follow on my journey to the healthier me. Over a week ago when I began my new life, I figured I had about one-hundred pounds to lose. I’d done simple on-line calculators that gave me a “healthy weight range” only to find out today, even at … Continue reading