Banning Chocolate Milk Doesn’t Improve Nutrition

Parents who had children in several schools in Oregon noticed what they viewed as a problem. The kids were much more likely to drink chocolate milk than they were to drink white milk. The parents believed that banning the chocolate milk would force the kids to start drinking more white milk. Instead, things did not work out as planned. It is safe to say that the parents in the school district’s PTA meant well. They were hoping to make changes that would provide better nutrition for the students. They believed that removing the chocolate milk, and only offering white milk, … Continue reading

Fun Smoothies for Kids

Recently, I introduced you to a new brand of chocolate milk called TruMoo. TruMoo Chocolate milk is not a chocolate drink. It is made from real milk but void of high fructose corn syrup and growth hormones. The milk is not organic yet it does eliminate two dangerous elements. Growth hormones and high fructose corn syrup have no place on a child’s menu. If your children love chocolate milk as much as mine and you are looking for a less expensive yet safe option then TruMood may be for you. I know my children love it. They ask for chocolate … Continue reading