Protein and Weight Loss

Whenever people ask me for advice about how to lose weight, I inevitably have to touch on the topic of protein. For so many years, the medical community has been telling us to only eat tiny bits of protein in order to lose weight. Well, they’re right, kind of, but mostly wrong. Yes, if you cut back on protein, you’ll cut calories and IF you don’t make up those calories with other foods, you’ll lose weight. The problem is, you’ll feel hungry and deprived all the time and you’ll be losing the wrong weight. The human body needs protein. Every … Continue reading

The Weight Loss Power of an Omelet

I mentioned in a previous blog that I attempted the Scarsdale Diet and it just didn’t work for me. There is a very good reason for that. While some people manage just fine living on roots, twigs, bark and leaves, I don’t. I’m a carnivore. I need protein and lots of it. A handful of tofu chunks in a stir fry is a serious waste of the energy it took to heat the pan, if you ask me. I do my part to keep methane levels down by eating beef and pork (the smaller the population, the less methane, right?). … Continue reading

Eggs for Breakfast Every Day?

“I hear what you’re saying about protein and I do feel great when I have eggs for breakfast on the weekends but I just don’t have the time to make eggs during the week. Any suggestions?” Ah, eggs. These are just the most magical protein in my opinion. They are inexpensive, filling, low in calories, tasty and easily prepared. Did you know that you can prepare eggs in advance and freeze or refrigerate them? Yes, you can! You can prepare omelets ahead of time and place them in a microwave-safe plastic container so you can just pack them in your … Continue reading

Don’t Eat Cereal for Breakfast!

“My friend told me that eating cereal for breakfast is a bad thing. Americans have been doing it for generations. How can it be bad?” True. Americans have been eating cereal for breakfast beginning with the Baby Boomer generation. Americans have also been getting more and more overweight beginning with the Baby Boomer generation. The fact of the matter is that cereal was never sold as a solo breakfast food. You may recall the commercials that billed a bowl of cereal as a “healthy part of this nutritious breakfast”. That nutritious breakfast included a glass of milk, a piece of … Continue reading

Foods That Make You Feel Full: Protein

Protein has a chemical effect on the brain that causes the body to feel satisfied after a meal high in protein. By high in protein, I mean approximately 30 grams of protein. Every adult human being should be aiming to consume between 30 and 50 grams of protein per meal. As I’ve mentioned in previous blogs, if you are trying to lose weight and/or exercising regularly you should try to consume as many grams of protein throughout the day as the number of pounds in your goal weight. For example: If your goal weight is 150, then you should consume … Continue reading