A Plethora of Printable Coupons – Week of September 13, 2011

Coupons are a great way to save a little money on the groceries and other household products that you purchase. It takes a little bit of time to search around online and find them, though. This week’s list of printable coupons will make it easy for you to find what you need, and head out the door to go shopping. Hostess has a coupon that will save you $0.50 on your next purchase of any Hostess snack. To get this coupon, you have to click “like” on their Facebook page. You can use the coupon on a box of Twinkies, … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Will It Be Easier to Pump the Second Time Around?

Question: With baby #2 do most women who weren’t able to pump much the first time around have better luck with the 2nd one? This question actually comes from the forums, and I promised I’d answer. I wish that I could shout a resounding yes on this, but honestly I can’t. Success in pumping has everything to do with how the relationship is managed but it also has to do with other factors that mom simply cannot control. Why Pumps Are Ineffective So why is it exactly that you can breastfeed a fat, chunky baby–yet only produce a few ounces … Continue reading

Home Week in Review: December 17 – 23

Soon! Very soon, Christmas will be here and we have lots of Christmas articles this week: Are you following the Christmas countdown? Hopefully, some of these items will be helpful as you prepare for the big day. Eight Days ’til Christmas Seven Days ’til Christmas Six Days til Christmas Five Days ’til Christmas Four Days ’til Christmas Three Days ’til Christmas Two Days ’til Christmas Mary Ann offered some holiday tips on everything from holiday safety to holiday shipping and tips concerning poinsettias, so don’t miss any of these great articles: Christmas Tree Safety Tips (1) Christmas Tree Safety Tips … Continue reading

If You Could Start All Over in Your Home Business, What Do You Wish You Knew?

Most of us have learned by doing in our home businesses. No matter how many months or years of research, planning, and reading we put into things before we hung up our shingle and opened our home-based business, chances are, we learned most of what we know about owning and operating a business or being an independent contractor by the actual day-to-day details of our work. But, have you ever stopped to ask yourself—if you could start all over again—what you wish you had known at the beginning? If I had it to do all over again, most of the … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Obesity

I have heard a lot of talk about obesity in children. Advice to prevent that ranges from “feed your child better foods” to “turn off the video games”. Parents of kids who have certain special needs require more tools than those pieces of advice. Your child’s medications could be affecting his or her weight. Kids that are extremely overweight, or obese, face certain health risks. They may develop insulin resistance, hypertension, or type 2 diabetes. These kids could be experiencing sleep apnea, which means that they are unable to get restful sleep. Some children who are overweight will begin puberty … Continue reading

It Shouldn’t Be This Hard

Even when you love someone, it isn’t always easy to know the right thing to do. Sometimes no matter how much you love them it’s hard to know when love, support and sympathy are quite simply too much. It’s hard to know when love and concern crosses over into interference and hovering over our spouse or other family members. Sometimes it’s a matter of timing. We want to rush in and act and show our support but in the process don’t give the one we love enough space and time to process things themselves before expecting them to share the … Continue reading

Living without Credit Cards

It has been several years since I have used a credit card. It started after a long period of unemployment for my husband when we were just maxed out and I could not use them. As time went on and our situation loosened, I never really saw the need to begin using them again. If I wanted something, I used cash, (or a debit card), and never relied on money I didn’t have to buy anything. When I traveled to Los Angelos from GA last summer, I thought I was going to use credit to survive on my trip. I … Continue reading

Frugal Month in Review: November 2008

November to be is the beginning of two things. The holiday season starts with Thanksgiving, and then there is winter. Despite the fact that winter doesn’t officially start until next month, the fall seems to give way to the winter in November anyway. We had a day of snow already. Here is looking ahead to December and the end of the year! November 1st Frugal Month in Review: October 2008 “Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” – George Eliot. November 2 … Continue reading

The Law of Attraction, Cozies and Cats: An Interview with Author Jennie Bentley

Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about how I wish I knew any authors who featured cats in their work so I could interview them for the Pets Blog. Well, in yet another display of the Law of Attraction at work, wouldn’t you know my wish was granted this past Sunday when I was on a panel at the Southern Festival of books with Bente Gallagher who writes as Jennie Bentley? Her first mystery in her DIY Home Renovation Mystery series is called Fatal Fixer Upper and it’s due out November 4th. In the process of talking about her book … Continue reading

Witness to a Marriage Miracle

If you are the product of a divorce like me, did you ever dream of your parents getting back together? I never had that fantasy. I just sort of accepted the situation for what it was and dealt with the new circumstances. However, I did wish my parents could at least talk to each other. For the first few months after the split they did. Sort of. My dad would come get me at my mom’s house for his weekend visitations. Things were always tense between my parents, but then things just got downright nasty. TNT I don’t know what … Continue reading