WARNING: Do you consume these 5 foods?

You have heard the phrase “you are what you eat” many times before. I do have lady fingers but they aren’t cream filled and so far my hair hasn’t turned into curly spaghetti. However, there is truth in becoming what you eat. If you eat unhealthy foods you will undoubtedly become an unhealthy person. This line of logic is clear to most yet we do not always apply it to our lives. We are human sometimes give in to the things we crave to satisfy our flesh nature. I have a hard time respecting myself in the morning after eating … Continue reading

The Skinny on Fat: Dangers of Hydrogentated Oils Part 2

Read Your Labels! To avoid partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils you need to vigilant when reading your labels. Do not be deceived by health foods or alternatives to butter as many of these products also contain partially hydrogenated or hydrogenated oils. Many health and protein bars contain hydrogenated oils. I have put my share back on the shelf after reading the ingredient label. Benecol and other margarine spreads that boast a healthier alterative to butter are not what they claim. Want an easy tip sheet on how to avoid hydrogenated oils? Here is a list of foods that normally contain … Continue reading