Eat Soup And Lose Weight – Cabbage Soup Diet

Most of us tend to think of soup as something to sip on when we’re ill, are low on grocery money, or for a light lunch. While all of these things are true, soup can also speed up your weight loss efforts. I’ve read before that by just having a bowl of soup before lunch and dinner, it can help you drop the weight without feeling deprived. For just a few calories you can feel full and satiated so that when you dig into your meal you don’t eat as much. Anyone who’s had a bowl of soup and sandwich … Continue reading

New Cabbage Soup Diet Website

This just goes to show you that anybody can create a website and make money! Somebody struck Google advertising gold when they decided to start their own website about the Cabbage Soup Diet. Anybody who has done any kind of dieting has at least heard of the Cabbage Soup Diet. The diet that promises “The more soup you eat the more weight you lose”. This diet has been around far longer than the internet. It began in the days when diets were written down by hand and photocopied to be shared by co-workers and with family members. This new website … Continue reading

Low Sodium Cabbage Soup Diet

With all the fuss about Jaime Pressly using this diet to take off her baby weight, I thought this would be a timely addition. The first time I tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, I used the original version that calls for Onion Soup Mix and Bouillon which are both high in sodium. In fact, the soup was so high in sodium that I retained water and actually gained three pounds! Talk about a disappointing diet! Following is a low-sodium variation that I have since found. I lost about a pound a day on this one. If you do what Jaime … Continue reading

Using the Cabbage Soup Diet to Lose Baby Weight

Jaime Pressly, an actress known for her roles in such blockbusters as Joe Dirt and Death to the Supermodels and recently for her part in the unlikely hit “My Name is Earl” had a baby in May of this year and decided to use the cabbage Soup Diet to get back into her pre-pregnancy clothes. When most people think about the Cabbage Soup Diet, they think of a fad diet. Jaime, in her defense expands on the fact that the Cabbage Soup Diet has been recommended by doctors to their patients preparing for surgery. According to a quote by Jaime … Continue reading

The Cabbage Soup Diet and Recipe

While I can’t really condone it (and please consult your health professional before trying any weight loss plan), I must say, the Cabbage Soup Diet really works. Now while it doesn’t teach you anything about changing to good eating habits or realistically sticking to a good diet plan—the cabbage soup diet can help shed those initial pounds. This time of year, we’re all trying to get back to good eating habits and kickstart our good eating plans. The Cabbage Soup diet does just that. I almost always go on the “soup” when I need to chuck the chips and get … Continue reading

Natural Sweeteners, Artificial Sweeteners, or None At All?

There’s always been a war going on when it comes to sweeteners. Some experts feel that corn syrup is bad while white sugar is okay—in moderation, of course. Some think honey is best and all forms of processed anything should be avoided. Then we come to artificial sweeteners. Saccharine was fine in the 70’s then was purported to cause cancer in rats. Now some experts say it’s fine and their data was off. I read that the amount of saccharine they had to give rats equaled about 300+ diet sodas per day for humans. I don’t have that many in … Continue reading

Folic Acid in Foods

Vitamins are best absorbed from their natural sources: food! One of the most important vitamins a pregnant woman needs is folic acid. The American Pregnancy Association recommends that all women of childbearing age get about 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Folic acid is used by the body to make the extra blood your body needs during pregnancy. A deficiency can increase your baby’s chances of developing spina bifida or anencephaly, both of which are serious birth defects. So which foods have the most of this essential nutrient? Liver is on the top of the list, but that is … Continue reading

5 Reasons Why You Need a Blender

1. Making homemade slushies. Why pay two bucks for a slushie down at the local 7-Eleven store when you can mix up a batch at home? Just pour your favorite non-carbonated beverage in your blender to about 1/3 and then fill with ice up to 2/3. (Leave the extra space for mixing and air since the ice will bounce around a bit at first.) Once it is the consistency of slush, just pour into cups, pop in a straw and you?ve got a refreshing slushie in the comfort of your own home. 2. Making healthy smoothies. Smoothies are so easy! … Continue reading

After the Fast: Eating Clean

You’ll find a few crash diet blogs here in the Weight Loss section but by no means does that mean that crash diets are the only way to lose weight. Sure, you lose it fast, but we all know it comes back when our old eating habits do. If you’re going to use any of these fasting type programs like the Cabbage Soup Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, please use the time you are on them (usually 3-10 days) to start focusing on how you should be living a healthy lifestyle afterwards. Hopefully this blog will give you a … Continue reading