Is the Atkins Diet Safe?

People go on a diet primarily because they want to lose some weight. Not everyone will take the time to find out if the diet they have selected is actually safe to try. What about the Atkins diet? Is is safe for most people to use? Or, is it just another fad diet? There are plenty of diets to choose from. Every year, in January, you will find displays of diet books in every book store you walk into. This is because a lot of people decide that their New Year’s Resolution will be that they are finally going to … Continue reading

Choices in Weight Loss

There are so many ways that one can successfully lose weight. One person’s weight loss road will be unique from another person’s weight loss road. It is a personal choice in which way to lose weight that only you can determine on your own. You may not even know which path to choose until you get started. You may start one way and then end up going a totally different route. Often our dieting choices will take shape by trial and error. You will find that what you thought might work for you turns out to be unsuccessful for you … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Too Many Choices?

When it comes to dieting there are numerous ways to go about it. South Beach, Atkins, Weight Watchers, calorie counting, to name a few, are all designed to shed unwanted pounds. They all typically work providing that the person who is on the diet is dedicated and following through with the plan. Finding the right type of a diet is a personal choice. You are the one that has to stick with it, so you need to find out which one it is that you will stay dedicated to. You will probably try a few of them in your life … Continue reading

Mr. Fix-It: Tips for Men

It’s an old cliché, but as with all clichés there is some truth to it. Men are problem-solvers by nature. When confronted with a problem whether it is physical, mental or emotional – they want to repair the damage and make it better. In fact, most men are more likely to try a repair themselves before asking or calling for assistance from a professional. In one key area, their own fitness and health, men attempt the same whether they have the knowledge or the skills to meet their goals. It can be frustrating, because while men have a lot of … Continue reading

Giving Some Weight to How We Think About Weight Loss

I talked about apathy the other day and I got a great response from Fit4Life on the subject of why it’s hard to write about weight loss motivators. Hats off to you for providing such great insight to the topic. A lot of us don’t necessarily know what is motivating our weight loss. It may be that we’ve experienced a health issue or bad diagnosis. Maybe we tried on those jeans we used to be able to wear and we can’t snap the button anymore. It could be we just don’t like what we see in the mirror or we’re … Continue reading