Starting a Journey to be Healthy

Well this is the start of my journey through weight loss. If you have not read any of my blogs before I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer 12/29/2005/ I underwent chemo therapy, radiation, a lumpectomy, bilateral prophylactic mastectomies and multiple reconstructions. I have done everything medically and surgically that I could do in order to attempt to prevent a recurrence. With my particular type of breast cancer; triple negative; the rate of recurrence is higher and the survival rate was lower so I want to see what I can do to help me be here for my husband … Continue reading

My Forced Weight Loss Journey – How It Started

I used the word “forced” in the title when I guess no one can be truly “forced” to lose weight. But, let me tell you a bit about my history and why I felt this was forced. When I was younger, I was very active, but like many of us, I became more and more sedentary as the years went on. I married for the first (and only!) time at 36 and right before I turned 40, I realized if we were going to have any children, we had better get started! I was very lucky in that we got … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Been There, Done That, Can’t Fit into the T-Shirt

I’ve been overweight for about a dozen years. Like most people, I’ve tried just about everything. Some diets have been successful in the short run; others have been complete disasters. Does anyone remember the Pasta Diet? I gained six pounds in two weeks with that. I tried the meal replacement shakes. Ended up so sick the doc wanted to put me in the hospital. I just couldn’t stick with Atkins, and the pounds I did lose came right back on. The only diet that ever really worked was the Healthy Liver Diet, and my family refused to stay on it. … Continue reading

Visualizing Your Health

There is something about getting older that makes you start to realize the serious health implications of not eating right and remaining inactive. I recently watched a show that gave you a visual of what your liver looks like when it is healthy and when it’s not, as a result of obesity. Between reaching middle age and seeing a concrete example of what a lack of exercise can do to your body, it has boosted my motivation. Where it was maybe at a level 5 or 6, it has increased to a near 8. I guess I’m starting to think … Continue reading

Losing the Baby Weight

Today, I went back to the gym the first time after the baby. He is almost 6 months old. I realized I had a lot of work ahead of me when we went on a very easy hike a couple of weekends ago and I was sore after. So, I decided it was time to get back to work. Unfortunately, between nursing (I’m not one of those people that nurses and the “weight just falls off”) and being on a very restricted diet the past few months, getting back in shape was not a priority. Now that I have enjoyed … Continue reading

Losing the Pregnancy Weight Part IV

Exercising is always a challenge but it seems to be more difficult during the post partum period of a woman’s life. There are so many things to which we as new mother’s are adjusting. It is not an easy transition even if the motivation is there. I began preparing myself for the post partum phase from the very beginning of my pregnancy. I knew that regular exercise and a healthy holistic diet through out my pregnancy would prepare me for the post partum fitness transition. It was my goal to bounce back as quickly as possible. Once my daughter was … Continue reading

I Am Being Sabotaged

Sometimes I think my husband is trying to sabotage my weight loss adventure. He knows I like eating butterscotch pudding and what does he come home with today a 12 pack of butterscotch pudding. I am the only one in my family who likes to eat butterscotch pudding. Now when I mention this to him he always says well I got it in case you wanted something sweet. Well I do not think I became over weight because I have a habit of craving veggies. I try to explain to him that he is basically setting me up for failure. … Continue reading

Week Thirty

Here I am in my thirtieth week of pregnancy, which presents itself as a huge milestone in my mind. Now the countdown to our daughter’s birth really begins. I began week thirty while visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and baby niece. Spending time with my sister is rare treat. Seeing her nearly five weeks postpartum and already fitting into her pre-pregnancy jeans is very motivational! She is just starting her postpartum exercise routine and I am continuing my prenatal exercise routine. We have been able to motivate and support each other in our fitness journey even though we are at different … Continue reading

Ways To Food Journal

Keeping a food journal is something you might want to do for different reasons. Some people want to keep a close watch on how many calories, fat, or carbohydrates they are consuming. Others might want to just see in list form all the food they are eating. Whatever your reason might be, keeping a food journal can be a key tool in your quest to be healthy and fit. Lately I have been keeping a food journal and have reflected on the various ways to keep one. I have tried to do this several times in the past, and it … Continue reading

Forget the New Year’s Resolutions

I realize this may not be a very popular thing for me to say but I am starting off my first fitness blog for the year 2011 with this, forget the New Year’s Resolutions. Why? They typically don’t work. It’s like Moses and the children of Israel who wandered around in the desert for 40 years. Do we really want to keep going around and around the same old mountain? I don’t mean to make light of the changes that many of my friends are attempting to make but it is almost humorous to me the Facebook statuses that I … Continue reading