Some Teens are Having Bariatric Surgery

Teenagers who are obese might have the option of having bariatric surgery. Previously, this type of weight loss surgery was only offered to adults. Although it isn’t the best choice for every teenager, there are some teens who can greatly benefit from it. The New York Times reported in February of 2017 that the number of adolescents who are overweight or obese has leveled off in recent years. But the number who are severely obese – heavy enough to qualify for bariatric surgery – has nearly doubled from 1999 to 2014. Previously, 5.2 percent of adolescents were severely obese. That … Continue reading

The Cotton Ball Diet is Dangerous

There have been many diets that sound a bit extreme – but that do involve actual food. The cotton ball diet, however, encourages people to eat a non-food item that their bodies cannot break down or gain nutrition from. The purpose of this diet, like all diets, is weight loss. It is important to know that the cotton ball diet is very dangerous! There are certain times of the year in which a lot of people suddenly decide to go on a diet. One is shortly before summer, when people decide they want to lose weight in order to look … Continue reading

The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

Resources for Avoiding Allergens in Halloween Candy

Halloween is just a few days away. Most children are excitedly looking forward to going trick-or-treating and getting lots of candy. If your child has food allergies, some of that candy can be dangerous. Here are some resources to help parents figure out if there is an allergen in the candy that your child brought home. Let me start this blog with a bit of a “disclaimer”. Parents need to use their best judgement about whether or not a particular Halloween candy is safe for their child to eat. Always read the ingredients that are on the package. Use the … Continue reading

Pregnancy Reflections: Diet

The word “diet” is derived from a Greek word that means “way of life.” As the New Year approaches many of us will reconsider out diets and make New Year resolutions to improve our “way of life.” When we consider our diets especially during pregnancy, we must keep in the mind the ancient origin of the word; a way of life, and not merely a temporary period of time used to lose weight, grow a baby, etc. I have learned a lot about the importance of diet as a “way of life” in the last few years. My first pregnancy … Continue reading

The Top Five Reasons Why I Love to Exercise During Pregnancy

As hard as it is to get starting on a regular exercise routine, maintaining it can be even harder. We all know that there are a million reasons why we cannot seem to find the time or motivation to exercise, but we cannot deny the benefits of regular exercise. While we tend to focus on the negative aspects of exercise (overcoming obstacles, finding the time and motivation, etc.), there are even more positive reasons to start a workout regimen. Upon my own personal reflection of the last few years of my own exercise routine, I realized that I have gained … Continue reading

Wisdom From Week Three of the Atkins Diet

I have to admit, I didn’t feel like I did as well on week three of the Atkins diet as I did on the previous two weeks. Factors beyond my control made it really difficult for me to stay on the diet. It has been said that people learn best from their mistakes. After getting through week three, I have some wisdom to share. It wasn’t as easy for me to stay on this diet when my husband and I went out to eat. I work from home, and that means I am lucky enough to tailor my day, and … Continue reading

Why I Cheated On My Diet

Nobody is perfect. I managed to get through the first two weeks of the Atkins diet without (really) cheating on it. Then, on the first day of week three, I totally went over the amount of carbs I was supposed to stay under. Were my reasons for doing so good ones? Or, did I get weak and fail? When I first started the Atkins diet, I was very excited to see what this experience would be like. I had a goal weight I wanted to hit, and a very strong motivation to lose it. My sister was getting married, and … Continue reading

20 Diet Plans Reviewed by U.S. News and World Report

This month “U.S. News and World Report” put out a review on 20 diet plans. The diet found to be the best overall, which is not a very well known one, is the “Dash Diet.” It is especially good for heart health but has a lot of other benefits as well. After the “Dash Diet” comes: Mediterranean Diet TLC Diet Weight Watchers Mayo Clinic Diet Volumetrics Diet Jenny Craig Ornish Diet Vegetarian Diet Slim-Fast Nutrisystem Vegan Diet South Beach Diet Eco-Atkins Diet Zone Diet Glycemic-Index Diet Medifast Diet Raw Food Diet Atkins Paleo Diet They also ranked the top 5 … Continue reading

Organizing Your Kitchen When You Have a Special Diet

It’s official. You have an allergy. Your child has a food intolerance that’s causing eczema. Your nursing baby seems to be reacting to something in your diet. The logistics of moving to a new diet can seem overwhelming. I know, because I’ve been around that block a couple of times now, and I am sure there is more to come. In my late teens, I became very sensitive to milk and has to switch my diet around. Then I got type 1 diabetes, which made me rethink how I eat and made it essential to count the carbohydrates in every … Continue reading