Weight Loss and the Gluten-Free Diet

I have heard rumors that say that people who go on a gluten-free diet, (for health reasons, or otherwise), tend to lose weight. I’ve also heard that eating gluten-free can cause a person to gain weight. Which one is true? It seems that they both are, depending on certain factors. The gluten-free diet is not another fad diet, (although there are some people treating it like that). People who have celiac disease, or who are gluten intolerant, or allergic to gluten, need to eat foods that do not contain gluten. This is purely for health reasons. If you have an … Continue reading

Working Out But Still Not Losing Weight?

Are you putting in extra time at the gym, but still not seeing the results you would like? I faced several questions recently regarding a study that came out about a possible correlation between exercise and weight gain. Clients begin working out and if they don’t lose weight immediately they get frustrated and give up. Here are a few tips which may help: 1. Don’t reward yourself with food. A client recently said, “I felt so much better eating an extra slice of pizza the other night because you worked us so hard in class.” Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading

Choices in Weight Loss

There are so many ways that one can successfully lose weight. One person’s weight loss road will be unique from another person’s weight loss road. It is a personal choice in which way to lose weight that only you can determine on your own. You may not even know which path to choose until you get started. You may start one way and then end up going a totally different route. Often our dieting choices will take shape by trial and error. You will find that what you thought might work for you turns out to be unsuccessful for you … Continue reading

Ready to Take Weight Loss Seriously

I’ve been talking about shedding my extra weight for months now. Losing my pregnancy weight was easy, but the fifteen pounds I gained before pregnancy have stuck. If I’m going to be honest with myself, however, I haven’t been trying very hard. I’m not a big fan of exercise and I love all things sweet. It’s hard for me to limit myself when enjoying dessert, and I might even enjoy it more than once in a day. My BMI is sitting at the top of the normal weight category, just five pounds away from “overweight.” I do not want to … Continue reading

Two Dozen Motivating Reasons to Lose Weight:

I’m happy to be guestwriting in this blog. You can also find me at the Adoption Blog here on Families.com, where I’ve written for over 2 1/2 years. Our responses to food are often not totally planned. Try programming your brain to think in new ways by reading, every morning and evening, your reasons for losing weight and possible things you can tell yourself in a tempting or difficult situation. Here are two dozen of my most serious motivations for losing weight. (My next blog will share two dozen more light-hearted–but sometimes no less motivating–reasons.)Maybe some of them are yours. … Continue reading

Helping Your Child to Lose Weight

Have you noticed additional pounds creeping up on your child? Childhood obesity is a major health problem and preventing it before it starts is ideal. If you child has added a few extra pounds recently it is best to head off any more weight gain before it gets out of control. If you child is already overweight you can help him to lose the weight that he needs in order to get healthier. Here are a few tips on helping your child to lose weight: Do not use the word “diet”. It is best to obliterate that word from your … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Cheerios or Lucky Charms?

Does anyone else share my passion for dry cereal? I have found a great snack with only 100 calories in a box. It requires no cooking or preparation either. Just one cup of it and only 100 calories. I have found that it fills up the empty spot that lies in your belly. I discovered cereal one day as I headed out the door to go to work. I was pressed for time and saw the box of cereal sitting there. My stomach ached a little bit out of hunger, but there was no time to make anything. I reached … Continue reading

A Blue Home May Make You Lose Weight

If you find yourself hungry all of the time, consider painting and accessorizing with blue. Experts tell us that the color has real influence over our appetites. Blue kitchens, blue dining rooms, blue tablecloths, blue plates and blue napkins can help us fee full. How does this work? A color theory professor explains that our brains are turned off by the association of the color blue and food. Food generally does not come in blue (even blueberries are mostly purple). When food is blue in nature, it generally means that the food is spoiled with mold and may contain harmful … Continue reading

The Weight Loss Power of an Omelet

I mentioned in a previous blog that I attempted the Scarsdale Diet and it just didn’t work for me. There is a very good reason for that. While some people manage just fine living on roots, twigs, bark and leaves, I don’t. I’m a carnivore. I need protein and lots of it. A handful of tofu chunks in a stir fry is a serious waste of the energy it took to heat the pan, if you ask me. I do my part to keep methane levels down by eating beef and pork (the smaller the population, the less methane, right?). … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Pregnancy Blog Top Ten: Prenatal Eating Tips

This quick list will help you to make sure you get optimum nutrition during your pregnancy with ease. As long as you remember these ten simple things, you should have no trouble maintaining a healthy pregnancy, barring any unforeseen complications such as preeclampsia, etc. Along with your prenatal supplements, there are certain things that your baby will need to get from you while in utero. You could even print out this list and tape it to your refrigerator for a quick reference before snacking. Without further ado, here are the top ten tips to prenatal eating: TEN: If you don’t … Continue reading