The Slim-Fast Diet: Does It Work?

Everyone and anyone has heard of the Slim-Fast Diet. It has been around for years now. The basics of the plan is that you drink your breakfast and lunch, which is a can of Slim-Fast and then eat a light meal at dinnertime. One can of Slim-Fast is approximately 180 calories. This is not a bad deal if you think about it. One good thing about this diet is that it has been proven to get results. Another thing that is on a positive note is that it takes the guesswork and decision making problems out of what type of … Continue reading

I’m Too Busy to Diet!

Nonsense! You can still lose weight while maintaining a busy life. It can be done. I’ve been there. I did it. Here are a few tips on how to trim down without having to give up all the fun and convenience. First of all, eat breakfast! If you don’t think you’ll have time for breakfast, consider a meal replacement bar or drink that is well balanced in protein, carbohydrates and fats. Try a Zone Bar or one of the newer Slim Fast shakes that has a lower carbohydrate content and a higher protein content (think Ultima or Low-Carb). Next, if … Continue reading

So Which is the Best Diet?

Consumer Reports has recently published its own report on which weight loss program is the absolute best for people who are trying to beat the bulge. Consumer Reports is a non-biased agency. It takes no money from any business so that their reports can be considered unbiased. So what is the unbiased opinion of Consumer Reports on which diet is the best one out there? In order to rate the diets, Consumer Reports looked at their effectiveness by evaluating data from long term clinical research studies, checked the diets calorie counts, and checked to see whether or not the diets … Continue reading