How to Set Weight Loss Goals

If you have been frustrated with an inability to lose weight or you feel stuck in a rut, try setting some weight loss goals. Sometimes we go into the whole weight loss journey without a real plan in place. Goals give you something concrete to shoot for. Without them it can feel like you are running a race without a real finish line. Think about how that would feel. If you ran and ran and ran but saw no end in sight it would quickly become very discouraging. However if you have something to strive for it makes the race … Continue reading

How many calories do I burn blogging?

Like many of you, I often feel that exercise does not fit into my daily routine. I’m a mom to four children, wife, dog parent, blogger and writer. My day begins with a yawn and very often ends with a yawn. In between all of that, I find my eating habits suffer or are nonexistent. One can hardly call grabbing a bagel or a protein bar in the midst of chaos an eating habit as it is more like an eating disaster. So, between chasing kids, writing articles and eating on a semi regular basis while only dreaming of that … Continue reading

Setting Weekly Goals

Setting weekly goals can be very helpful in developing a solid fitness routine. Although I would like to say that everyday I will walk two miles, I know that it’s currently an unattainable goal. So by breaking my walking routine down, I can take smaller steps that will eventually lead to my bigger goal. I am just the type of person that likes to be realistic. When I set weekly goals for myself, no matter what area of my life I am working on, it makes them more attainable. When goals are attainable they give you motivation and encouragement to … Continue reading

Realistic Exercise Goals

A key element to weight loss is exercise. It’s a lesson I learned early on in my journey to a better body. I can make all the changes I want to my eating habits; however, unless I add exercise, it won’t do me much good. So I decided that this is the year, the month, the week, to begin exercising. If you are anything like me, then you usually start off all gung-ho, ready to make changes, and then a week later you lose the motivation. I find that so frustrating about myself! However, I think I discovered the real … Continue reading

Goals – Building, Living and Being Inspired

Every day we hear about the threat of obesity against our children, our future and ourselves. Fitness and health are more than a niche market, in fact, it seems like everyone is getting in on the act. My mother called me yesterday and we were talking and she mentioned off hand that she just picked up an elliptical machine. You could have scraped my jaw off the floor! My mother bought an elliptical machine? She ordered an elliptical machine, received delivery, put it together and plans to use it. WOW! Then she tells me something else that threw me, up … Continue reading

4 Tips to Help You Keep Your Resolution

As I blogged yesterday, my New Year’s Resolution is to lose weight – again.  The thing about making weight loss a resolution is that so many people do it (especially after all those holiday pounds!), but many fail to follow through. What can you do to keep your resolution?  There are a few hints from psychologist John Norcross on how to keep those resolutions: Believe it can be done. That’s right – don’t let the haters keep you down, saying “You can’t do that.”  Believe in yourself that you can succeed. Be realistic. I am never going to weigh 120 … Continue reading

Overcoming Struggles with Action

What is your biggest fitness struggle? I would guess we all have them. For some it is feeling like you will never achieve your desired weight or pants size. For others it is the inability to stick with a program. And then there are those (myself included) who struggle with consistency. Here is the problem with the struggles—besides the fact that it is a struggle—we tend to focus more on those than what we are doing right. We look at the glass as half empty, instead of half full. So what is the key to overcoming your fitness struggles? It … Continue reading

Tracking Physical Activity

There are all sorts of gadgets out there which help in tracking your physical activity. Bands you can wear on your wrists and apps on your phone are just some of them. Of course, you can always do it the old-fashioned way, with a notebook and pen. No matter which method you choose, there are some real benefits to keeping track. First, it helps you to put together a plan that works best for you. After you have tracked your activity levels, you can usually get a good feel for the time of day in which you might be more … Continue reading

What You Shouldn’t Do

While there are some things you should always do when it comes to fitness, there are many things you shouldn’t. I talk a lot about starting off small, working your way into an exercise program and changing things up. But today we are going to look at some things you shouldn’t do. For instance, you should never skip breakfast. Experts have been saying it for years. It is one of the most important meals of the day. It can provide just the energy you need, as it kick starts your metabolism. I like to exercise in the morning but I’m … Continue reading

5 Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits can be hard to break. But if they are standing in the way of you achieving the fit lifestyle you desire to have, it will be worth the hard work of breaking them. While everyone experiences their own challenges, there are some bad habits that are fairly common. See if you recognize yourself in any of these. The first bad habit is setting unrealistic goals. When you raise the bar too high, it can cause you to quickly lose motivation. You can’t run a marathon when you haven’t been off the couch in ages. Set small, achievable goals. … Continue reading