The Tapeworm Diet

We live in a society where being thin is seen as more important than being healthy. This can lead some desperate people to attempt fad diets that are completely and entirely unsafe. The tapeworm diet is dangerous, unhealthy, and will not result in weight loss. It is advisable that people speak with their doctor before starting any diet. What is the Tapeworm Diet? The tapeworm diet is not really a diet at all. Instead, it is an extremely dangerous attempt to lose weight that is based on misinformation. Some people have become convinced that intentionally swallowing a tapeworm will allow … Continue reading

The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

When Your Baby Has Food Allergies

Recently, I decided to get my baby tested for food allergies. With the history that my two boys have had, I just wanted to make sure that there were no lingering issues as we moved forward with food trialing. I had been suspicious that eggs were causing a problem with my little one when I was breastfeeding. It was one of the foods I had cut out of my diet when he was having all of his tummy issues. But, none of my children have ever been diagnosed with your typical IgE food allergies. IgE stands for Immunoglobulin E which is … Continue reading

Cats Eating People Food

Yesterday a good friend of mine posted on her Facebook that she caught her two cats eating coleslaw. It’s not the first time her cats have gone after people food; one ate a strawberry last week, and when they were kittens she had to lock them in a room when I’d have lunch at her house. Otherwise they’d jump up on the table, put their paws in our water glasses, and otherwise view our plates as their personal buffet. When I think about it, I can recall many incidents of cats I knew eating people food. My old roommate’s cat … Continue reading

Late Pregnancy Hemoglobin Levels and Diet Changes

At my last prenatal visit I had my blood drawn to check my hemoglobin levels for the third time. With my initial battery of blood tests my hemoglobin levels were good. As my pregnancy progressed, my levels dropped off and my midwife started me on an iron supplement along with adding more iron rich foods to my daily diet. The results of my most recent blood test showed that my hemoglobin levels were still lower than my midwife wanted to see them. Once again, my diet needs to undergo a change. In addition to adding a third iron supplement to … Continue reading

The Paleo Diet

What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo Diet is also known as the caveman diet or the Paleolithic diet. The diet is rooted in the idea that humans ate in a healthier manner during ancient times. Think of the hunter-gathers and what they ate. Basically that is what is allowed on the Paleo diet. A diet rich in raw vegetation, fruit, nuts, and meat are on the menu for this Stone Age method of eating. The diet is high in fat with moderate amount of animal protein. Carbohydrates are kept to a minimum. From my understanding calorie counting is not … Continue reading

Is the Atkins Diet Making Me Crabby?

The first week that I was on the Atkins diet, I felt great! I was enjoying the changes to my eating habits, and truly liked the taste of some of the food suggestions. By the second week, however, things changed dramatically. I’m found myself feeling really crabby! Is this because of Atkins, or due to something else? When I started the Atkins diet, I expected to experience changes in my body. I was fortunate that I haven’t felt any caffeine withdrawal symptoms, and have rarely felt weak. I lost two pounds the first week, and my body feels “better” in … Continue reading

Atkins Diet – End of the First Week

Making it through the first week on the Atkins diet is something to feel good about. This new way of eating started to feel normal by the last few days of the first week. Things were getting easier, and I had some accomplishments that I was proud of. Two of the beverages that a person is allowed to drink while doing the Induction Phase of the Atkins diet are water and tea. Before starting this diet, I was drinking one or two sodas each day. Within the first week of Atkins I had already gotten used to drinking a whole … Continue reading

Atkins Diet – Days Two and Three

After a successful first day on the Atkins diet, I was inspired to continue. There is a bit of a learning curve with this diet, and it takes some creativity in order to manage to stay under 20 carbs each day. I was looking forward to the challenge of the second and third days on Atkins. My first day on Atkins went pretty well. By the end of the first day, I had only eaten 12 carbs, (out of the 20 I am allowed). I found myself thinking a lot about what I was going to eat next, and looking … Continue reading

20 Diet Plans Reviewed by U.S. News and World Report

This month “U.S. News and World Report” put out a review on 20 diet plans. The diet found to be the best overall, which is not a very well known one, is the “Dash Diet.” It is especially good for heart health but has a lot of other benefits as well. After the “Dash Diet” comes: Mediterranean Diet TLC Diet Weight Watchers Mayo Clinic Diet Volumetrics Diet Jenny Craig Ornish Diet Vegetarian Diet Slim-Fast Nutrisystem Vegan Diet South Beach Diet Eco-Atkins Diet Zone Diet Glycemic-Index Diet Medifast Diet Raw Food Diet Atkins Paleo Diet They also ranked the top 5 … Continue reading