Conserving Water

Why should we conserve water? One of the main reasons is so we don’t run out. We don’t want our intake to exceed the ecosystems output. Also, facilities that provide water – pumping stations, delivery companies, and wastewater treatment – all consume a lot of energy to do what they do. In California, 15 percent of their electricity is used for water management. Finally, conserving water helps conserve the habitat of local wildlife. So you may be thinking “Sounds great – how do we conserve water?” The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has come up with a web page all about … Continue reading

Does your dog eat better than you?

How do you treat your body? Do you use it like a BMW or an old junker? Do you respond to your body’s needs or ignore the needs because you have other priorities? Is your body a temple or a dumping ground? I’m not sure these are questions we often consider. Do we think of that when we work through lunch or drink soda when thirsty instead of water? I recently saw a commercial for dog food. The commercial showed loving pet owners explain how they choose this brand of dog food because of the superior nutrition as compared to … Continue reading

Is your favorite coffee drink making you fat?

I have been a Starbucks fan for many years. Just seeing the Starbucks logo gets me giddy and ready for a white chocolate mocha on ice. Starbucks is even fun to say! Did you know it was named after a character in Moby Dick? Yes, I love Starbucks and will continue to be a faithful customer. However, the part of me that is concerned for my weight will have to give up some of the fun coffees they serve. So, no need to give up your Starbucks but you do need to be aware of just how much fat and … Continue reading

Waking Up On The Wrong Side Of The Bed

Almost everyone has probably heard that expression before. You feel grumpy or are having a bad day and someone says, “What’s wrong with you? Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed?” Although it doesn’t really matter which side of bed we crawl out of in the morning, you can always tell when it’s going to be one of those days. Is it simply our mindset or a sixth sense when we awaken and can almost feel that gray cloud hovering above our heads, warning us that today will not be a good day? As you stumble … Continue reading

A Safe Drink: Chemicals in Baby Bottles and Cups

Water is good for you. But when water, formula, milk or juice is stored in a container that leaches chemicals, the nourishing drink that you’ve prepared for your baby turns into something more – a chemical soup that you don’t want anyone to drink, let alone your child. Recently, there has been a lot of concern over a specific chemical, BPA. What are the concerns with chemicals in baby bottles and cups? As plastics are heated in the microwave or the dishwasher, they can release chemicals like Bisphenol A (BPA). This particular chemical mimics the female hormone estrogen, and too … Continue reading

Is Your Baby Constipated?

This morning I took my son in for his four month well baby appointment. Recently he has been fussing quite a bit and I’ve noticed he hasn’t had more than a single bowel movement over the course of an entire week. The pediatrician suggested I give him an ounce of prune juice mixed with an ounce of water. He tried about a half ounce of the mixture before refusing the rest. Hopefully, if he is in fact constipated, this will do the trick! Since babies can’t tell you what hurts, it’s hard to know whether your infant is suffering from … Continue reading

Do Diet Supplements Work and Do You Need Them?

Unless you’re sitting down to three square, home cooked meals a day and eating at least two healthy snacks between them, chances are you could use a supplement or two. Following are just a few you may want to consider. Healthy Fats In our diet conscious world, we tend to avoid any fat as if it were The Plague. That isn’t exactly what we should be doing. Believe it or not, our bodies need some special fats that we just cannot create ourselves. Supplements like Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fats derived from fish) are important for heart health so if you … Continue reading

10 Tips for Eating Your Way Through the 4th of July

I imagine that if you are American, you likely have plans this weekend. I further suppose that your plans include food. . .lots of it. My mother-in-law, who I swear is somehow related to Martha Stewart via some type of home organizing gene, puts out quite the spread for the 4th of July. I haven’t spoken with her but I have visions of bratwurst, chicken, cheeseburgers, no less than 3 or 4 desserts, potato salad, and the list goes on. (She actually puts on quite the spread for any holiday. . .) However, a day of binging can set you … Continue reading

Better Fitness Habits: Energy Boosts For Your Day

One of the excuses many of us use to avoid working out is that we’re too tired or we don’t have enough energy to make it through the workout, here are some tips to get you some fast energy boosts morning, noon and night. The Two Percent Rule – A shower always makes me feel two percent better whether I am exhausted, ill or just stressed. Rolling out of bed and into the shower may not seem to make sense when you’re going to work out – but a quick wash can refresh you and get you all ready for … Continue reading

Exercising while Pregnant

Pregnancy doesn’t have to be a time in which you become a couch potato, eat everything in sight and gain more weight than necessary. Maintaining a fitness regime or even starting one up after becoming pregnant is important. Some people think that exercising while pregnant is dangerous. It can be if done incorrectly. This is why it’s always a good idea to first talk with your doctor. You may have certain restrictions or exercises that should be avoided. But for the most part, anything goes. Some exercises are particularly beneficial when you are pregnant. This includes walking, weight training, swimming, … Continue reading