The Weight Watchers Diet

Weight Watchers is one of the most well-known diets. This is due to how long it has been in existence and its advertising efforts. Is it the best diet for you? Before beginning a new diet, it is a good idea to speak with your doctor. What is the Weight Watchers Diet? Weight Watchers is a diet that uses a points system. Recently, Weight Watchers changed their points system to a new one called SmartPoints. Their new points formula looks at the type of fat in a given food, with saturated fat pointed more heavily. Lean protein has fewer points … Continue reading

Weight Loss Its A Family Thing

SO my weight loss journey has become a family thing. All 3 of my kids are considered to be overweight and one even obese when it comes to the BMI. It is not because we don’t pay attention to what the kids are eating because we really do. I truly believe part is genetics now they are all adopted so I cannot use the fact that they have my genes as a reason but having seen pictures of their biological family I do think it is part of it. I had taken my daughter to the doctor once when he … Continue reading

Company Offers DNA Test to Help With Weightloss

Having trouble losing weight? Perhaps it has something to do with your DNA. A company called Interleukin Genetics will look at your DNA, and suggest an appropriate diet for you, based on your genotype. If obesity runs in your family, this test could be something to consider. It has been known for quite some time that obesity runs in families. In May of 2011, a team of researchers discovered that there is a gene called KLF14 that acts like a “master switch” that controls the other genes that are related to obesity. This discovery came after a group of British … Continue reading

The Need for Protein (Part I)

I’ve never been much of a meat eater. I was never a big fan of beans. I stopped drinking milk because it made me congested. I wasn’t getting enough protein. That all changed when I became pregnant. I had read over and over again the importance of getting enough protein while pregnant. The recommendation for pregnant women is 80 -110 grams of protein per day. I discovered two things about protein from my pre-pregnancy research and my first pregnancy: First, not all proteins are created, or rather manufactured, equally. Second, more foods contain protein than I originally thought (so maybe … Continue reading

Stuffing That is Low in Fat and Sensitive to Those with Food Allergies

Todd Adelman, Director of Nutritional Services for Block Institute, and co-author of the James Beard nominated book, Special Foods for Special Kids: Practical Solutions & Great Recipes for Children with Food Allergies, shares this recipe for stuffing for this Thanksgiving. Originally this recipe was developed for children with food allergies. However, the recipe offers a great low fat alternative to the usual Thanksgiving fare that it is worth making with your kids. Kids are always more likely to eat anything they have a hand in making so be sure to include them this Thanksgiving. Any child from the age of … Continue reading

Yes the words “Cheesecake” and “Low Fat” can be used together.

This lovely little dessert was served at a bridal shower I attended. Everyone loved it! The best part is that this cheesecake is low in fat. You mean “low fat” and “cheesecake” are words you can use in the same sentence? Yes they are! In fact, I have a few low fat cheesecake recipes to share with you this month. Cheesecake is one of my favorite desserts yet I never eat it. I cannot justify the amount of fat and calories in one slice even in the face of such delicious goodness. So I have made it my mission to … Continue reading

How many calories do I burn blogging?

Like many of you, I often feel that exercise does not fit into my daily routine. I’m a mom to four children, wife, dog parent, blogger and writer. My day begins with a yawn and very often ends with a yawn. In between all of that, I find my eating habits suffer or are nonexistent. One can hardly call grabbing a bagel or a protein bar in the midst of chaos an eating habit as it is more like an eating disaster. So, between chasing kids, writing articles and eating on a semi regular basis while only dreaming of that … Continue reading

Working Out But Still Not Losing Weight?

Are you putting in extra time at the gym, but still not seeing the results you would like? I faced several questions recently regarding a study that came out about a possible correlation between exercise and weight gain. Clients begin working out and if they don’t lose weight immediately they get frustrated and give up. Here are a few tips which may help: 1. Don’t reward yourself with food. A client recently said, “I felt so much better eating an extra slice of pizza the other night because you worked us so hard in class.” Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading

Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain

According to most surveys, the average American gains between seven and 12 pound over the holidays. No doubt the constant treats everywhere and a busy schedule that leaves little time for exercise can contribute to this. Plus with the warmer weather, people naturally have a tendency to bundle up in bulky clothes that can hide weight gain, even from themselves. Still, it is not completely inevitable that you will stop losing weight or even start gaining it over the holidays. You just have to be a bit more diligent with how you go about your day. Before a party or … Continue reading

Eggs and Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight consider eggs! Once thought to be something to avoid because of cholesterol, eggs are now seen as a miracle food in the aid to weight loss. In fact, many nutritionists are recommending at least one egg a day to help you lose weight. There have been numerous studies in the news lately about the benefit of eggs for weight loss. For example, a Louisiana study found that women who ate eggs for breakfast instead of bagels lost twice as much weight as others. Why are eggs so wonderful for weight loss? Well, first you … Continue reading