Eggs and Weight Loss

If you want to lose weight consider eggs! Once thought to be something to avoid because of cholesterol, eggs are now seen as a miracle food in the aid to weight loss. In fact, many nutritionists are recommending at least one egg a day to help you lose weight. There have been numerous studies in the news lately about the benefit of eggs for weight loss. For example, a Louisiana study found that women who ate eggs for breakfast instead of bagels lost twice as much weight as others. Why are eggs so wonderful for weight loss? Well, first you … Continue reading

Fats and Weight Loss

Impossible, you say? Poppycock! Yes, the crazy truth is that we actually need some fats in our diet in order to maintain good health. (Fats are especially needed for proper brain function.) We have to be a little selective about the fats we consume when trying to lose weight but we shouldn’t, by any means, cut out all fats. Small doses of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are good. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad. For instance, cooking in butter isn’t the best idea but cooking in olive oil is a great idea. Obviously, we need to be mindful of … Continue reading

Enjoy Seafood and Lose Weight!

I grew up in Maine so I’ve always loved seafood. I can live without fish sticks but put some shrimp scampi in front of me and it is all over! Well, if you are anything like me, you now have a new reason to eat seafood. Not only is it high in protein, low in fat and quite tasty but it can help you lose weight too! A recently published study in the International Journal of Obesity found that young adult men who ate a low-calorie diet that included fish had slightly more weight loss than a similar diet without … Continue reading

3 Healthy Cooking Oils

Did you know that using healthy cooking oil as opposed to corn oil will cut the fat in your dish almost by half, not to mention the fact that it will provide other health boosts to your meal? Substituting a healthy cooking oil for regular vegetable oil is very easy to do. Here’s the skinny on 6 of the most healthy cooking oils. Enova Oil Already marketed in Japan, this is essentially a hybrid oil of soybean and canola oils. Not only claiming to be healthier, it claims to actually help you lose weight when eaten with other parts of … Continue reading

Important Things Omega-3s Do For Your Body

The right kind of fat can be good for you! Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish, avocados, walnuts, vegetable oil, eggs, and more, and can do lots of good for your body. Omega-3 fatty acids can help you lose weight and maintain weight loss! The fatty acids can help stabilize the mood swings that trigger diet-busting emotional eating. Got dry skin? Omega-3 fatty acids can help strengthen cell walls to keep your skin hydrated, soft, and supple. A recent study from the University of Pittsburgh found that omega-3 fatty acids help the body fight inflammation. If you have chronic … Continue reading

The Need for Protein (Part I)

I’ve never been much of a meat eater. I was never a big fan of beans. I stopped drinking milk because it made me congested. I wasn’t getting enough protein. That all changed when I became pregnant. I had read over and over again the importance of getting enough protein while pregnant. The recommendation for pregnant women is 80 -110 grams of protein per day. I discovered two things about protein from my pre-pregnancy research and my first pregnancy: First, not all proteins are created, or rather manufactured, equally. Second, more foods contain protein than I originally thought (so maybe … Continue reading

How to Pick (and Use) the Healthiest Oils

Good fats. Bad fats. How do you know the difference? How do you know which oils are the best for you? Here are some tips to help you pick out the best oils for your health (and for flavorful cooking)! First, the basics: you want to get around twenty percent of your daily calories from fats and oils. Yes, that sounds like a lot. But a deficit of good fats can lower your vitamin E intake, keep your good cholesterol from rising, and send your triglycerides through the roof. And some studies have shown that your body absorbs antioxidants and … Continue reading

What Else Should Be in a Pet’s Joint Supplement?

I’ve been comparing glucosamine and chondroitin supplements for Moose, seeing how he seems to be limping on his back legs lately. My parents’ dog Becca takes a glucosamine and chondroitin supplement for her arthritis, and it seems like a good thing for hip dysplasia as well. From what I’ve seen so far in my search, glucosamine and chondroitin are the stars of just about every joint formula out there. But there’s more than just those two things in your average joint supplement. So what else should be in your pets’ joint supplement? MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) is a compound naturally … Continue reading

Feed Your Skin

The right foods can leave your skin smooth, healthy, and glowing. Blueberries are chock full of antioxidants — more than most other foods do. The antioxidants in blueberries can help protect your skin from dangerous free radicals that result from sun exposure and stress. Just one half cup of blueberries every day can help prevent cell damage that can leave your skin saggy, lined, and wrinkled. Fish with high omega-3 fatty acid content — like sardines, salmon, and mackerel — help strengthen cell membranes. This keeps moisture in your skin cells, leaving your skin plump and soft. Omega-3 fatty acids … Continue reading

Six Ways To Protect Your Heart

There are so many little things you can do that add up to BIG protection for your heart. Here are some tips for keeping your ticker safe and healthy. Eat plenty of omega-3 fatty acids. If you have heart disease already, omega-3 fatty acids can help keep inflammation in check, lower blood pressure, and slow plaque growth. Plaque is a mix of fatty substances (including bad LDL cholesterol) that can inflame artery walls. A plaque deposit that bursts can produce an artery-blocking clot and lead to a heart attack. Take a low dose aspirin if your doctor says you should. … Continue reading