Has This Ever Happened To You?

Yesterday I took Dylan and Blake out for a day of errands and shopping. We have gone out for errands and shopping many times before, but yesterday a few things happened that left me wondering whether other moms have experienced similar situations. The first incident happened when we were at a consignment store. I had brought in a bunch of baby clothes that Blake has already grown out of, and the store owner was looking through the box, deciding what she wanted to buy. I was looking through baby clothes in Blake’s current size and Dylan was beside me until … Continue reading

Does Your Child Need a New Backpack Each Year?

Well, we have pretty much gotten all of our back to school shopping done for this upcoming school year, with the exception of one spiral sketch book, which seems to be an endangered species in my part of Pennsylvania. My oldest is entering sixth grade, which in my school district is middle school (junior high). With this transition comes another one I wasn’t ready for–lots and lots of supplies. This list pretty much takes up an entire page, and even with careful shopping, it cost quite a bit. One of the big items we purchased was a new backpack. Unlike … Continue reading

Making Ironing Less Drudgery

I know there are people who love to iron. They love the mindlessness of the task and the look and feel of the clothes as they are ironing. Some people find it soothing. I’m not one of those people. I only iron when I have nothing to wear, this happens rarely because I have lots of clothes that don’t need to be ironed. Usually by the time I get to the ironing basket I find clothes I’ve forgotten I own, or, and even sadder, they no longer fit. Now that it’s summer and I’m hanging all my laundry out to … Continue reading

Homemade Laundry Soap Revisited

As you may have noticed, I’m always looking to save money. Although I want a clean home and clean laundry, I don’t want to have to pay a fortune for the products to get it that way. I’ve tried just about everything, and now I’m trying the rest of the things. Laundry products are a big issue for me. First of all they come in huge plastic jugs. Yes, the plastic is recyclable but it’s even better to not bring it home. Then once you open that huge jug you are basically washing your clothes in a mix of chemicals. … Continue reading

Consignment Shopping

I never had any interest in shopping at consignment before I had children. I actually avoided them as if my life depended on it. That all changed with my first pregnancy. All of sudden I found myself seeking out consignment shops for expectant mothers and babies. During my first pregnancy we happened to visit some friends in Minneapolis and I looked up all the consignment shops in the metropolitan area so that I could do some maternity shopping. A few months later, I was in Austin for my students’ art competition and I used my free time to go consignment … Continue reading

Do You Support Your Spouse’s Healthy Habits?

I’ve mentioned before that my husband is the health nut and I’m the sugar addict. Lately, I’ve made major changes to my lifestyle and am no longer eating sugar. I’ve lost fifty pounds. How great is that? Because my husband understands how important it is to be healthy, he’s supported me all along the way and has never once sabotaged what I’m doing—we’re doing it together. But you know what, I’ve had friends tell me, “I’m trying to lose weight, but my husband eats junk food in front of me all the time.” Or, “My husband laughs when I tell … Continue reading

My Clothes Have Gotten Too Big

One of the best parts about being on a diet is when you actually see signs that it is working! After several weeks on the Atkins diet, I managed to lose a noticeable amount of weight. Should I buy new clothing now, or wait until I get down to my “goal weight”? When I started the Atkins diet, back in June, I weighed 180 pounds. It is now nearly the end of August, and I weigh 169 pounds. This is a total of eleven pounds of weight loss! While I am pretty excited to be more than ten pounds lighter … Continue reading

Playing With Dolls

When I was a little girl I loved my dolls. I would make up elaborate scenarios for my babies and had the best time playing house and being mommy. I gave all my babies names and my mom made doll clothes for them. Many of them had stays at the doll hospital and I was anxious until their return. I would save my allowance and any other money that came my way so I could buy more dolls. I loved to brush their hair and even taught myself to French braid on a doll’s head. My toddler is obsessed with … Continue reading

When There’s a Problem, Deal With It!

Yesterday we looked at the little things in marriage that can be a problem. As well as not letting them build up, there is another reason those who run marriage preparation courses advocate dealing with the little things. If you can’t talk about the little things how are you ever going to be able to talk about the big things in your marriage? Communication is something that needs to be practiced and made a habit, we not only take into our marriages but keep up once we are married. Sometimes we may think we don’t want to talk about certain … Continue reading

Time to Celebrate! Cleaning Out Your Closet After Weight Loss

How exciting! You have just lost a substantial amount of weight and now it is time to celebrate. Do not wait until you have lost all of the weight that you desire and have gotten down to your goal weight. This will only make it too easy not to be careful about regaining what you have lost. Many of us who are trying to lose quite a bit of weight have clothing in several sizes so this could take some time. Start weeding out your closet after you have come down a size. If your goal is to lose more … Continue reading