Rhytidectomy After Weight Loss: Sagging Facial Issues

If you have lost an excessive amount of weight and are bothered by sagging facial skin, take heart because there is hope. Sagging skin after losing weight is quite normal. Do not let this from preventing you from losing weight. Weight loss is a very healthy attitude in terms of your health. If could save your life. Exercise will definitely help you to get the skin tone back for some people. Some people, however, are not as fortunate and must deal with the excess skin that comes from being very overweight and then shrinking back down. Sagging skin can also … Continue reading

Weight a Minute: Go Up a Size Without Gaining an Ounce!

Wow, that sounds like fun! Let’s all go up a size in our clothing without gaining any weight. That’s exactly what has happened with many major clothing retailers. They have taken the sizes and shifted them a little bit. Where 18-20W used to be 1X, it’s now 2X. Where 22-24W used to be 2X, it’s now 3X. Where 26-28W used to be 3X, it’s now 4X. That’s right—I’m now a whole X bigger without lifting a finger. It’s humiliating enough to be a plus-sized woman without having this extra pressure. It’s really hard to walk into the store and find … Continue reading

Line Your Intestines, Lose Weight!

I am constantly amazed at the things we as human beings will go through to try to lose weight. Being overweight drains us emotionally and physically, it drags down our self-esteem, it keeps us from doing everything we’d like to, and it’s just so hard to overcome. It’s really no wonder that the weight loss industry is raking in the big bucks, but this one really make me shake my head. There is now a removable liner being developed that you can have inserted into your intestines that mimics some of the positive aspects of gastric bypass surgery. However, the … Continue reading

Suicidal After Weight Loss Surgery?

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking: “Hey, you aren’t obese anymore, you’ve lost 100 pounds and all your health problems have cleared up. What have you got to be suicidal about?!” The University of Pittsburgh recently completed a study that showed that among people aged from 25 to 34 who had weight loss surgery, the suicide rate was considerably higher than that of the general population. Having had a gastric bypass in 2001, I’d like to address this from my own personal point of view. When you’ve been overweight all of your life, it becomes part of your identity. … Continue reading

Morbid Obesity and Weight Loss Surgery

There comes a point where a person has become so obese that weight loss simply stops and other health issues arise. When you get to that point, diet, exercise programs, appetite suppressants and behavior modifications are just not effective any more. When you weigh 264, losing 5 pounds is a drop in the bucket. When I took this before picture, I was eating a healthy diet (and much less food than my husband who weighed far less than me) as well as walking for an hour on a treadmill every day. I couldn’t run because the weight was too much … Continue reading

The Vagus Nerve Experiment

There is no doubt that gastric bypass surgery is an extreme form of weight control and is reserved for those patients for whom weight loss is a life or death situation. However, it carries with it significant risks and consequently researchers are always looking for new things to do that will be as effective without the risk. Now lap band procedures are being performed as well and thus far, seem to carry much less risk. Doctors however, are playing with a new method. . .snipping the vagus nerve in hopes that doing so will trigger additional weight loss. The vagus … Continue reading

Fitness in the News: Disturbing Trends in Obesity Treatment

I get treating obesity like a disease, I understand why the medical community is taking this stance and I get that the educational gambits they are taking, hammering on parents and individuals to get into shape and to shed those excess pounds (they don’t even bother to call them unwanted anymore) and I get that this campaign against obesity is designed to do what the campaign against smoking did — but there’s a problem here. It’s been a few centuries since people considered big to be beautiful and obese and overweight individuals are hardly ever considered sexy. Previous campaigns against … Continue reading

Breast Cancer and Obesity Connection

While most people know that obesity is dangerous when it comes to diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and stroke, many women are unaware that obesity has also been linked to breast cancer. The greatest risk indicator is for women that carry excess weight around the tummy and in the upper body region. Today, experts have identified that approximately 50% of all women (and men) with breast cancer are obese. One of the reasons this is believed to be true is that being able to identify lumps or abnormalities in the breasts of someone overweight is far more difficult than someone of … Continue reading

Weight Loss News Bites

Happy Monday! Welcome to the second week of May, we have 23 days left in the month of May. I wanted to share with you some interesting tidbits that I read over the weekend. I always feel like starting off the week on a positive note and with some good information. As I like to tell my daughter, it helps to make good choices when you know what’s going on. Governor Gets Busy We have some good news from the political front with regard issues of weight loss, fitness and health. There is a national campaign by the states’ governors … Continue reading