Do Diet Supplements Work and Do You Need Them?

Unless you’re sitting down to three square, home cooked meals a day and eating at least two healthy snacks between them, chances are you could use a supplement or two. Following are just a few you may want to consider. Healthy Fats In our diet conscious world, we tend to avoid any fat as if it were The Plague. That isn’t exactly what we should be doing. Believe it or not, our bodies need some special fats that we just cannot create ourselves. Supplements like Omega-3 Fatty Acids (fats derived from fish) are important for heart health so if you … Continue reading

Increased Serotonin Promotes Weight Loss and Wellness

Does your diet make you moody? Do you feel like you’re missing out on all the foods you like to eat? Doctors Judith Wurtman and Nina Frusztajer Marquis want to show you how to feel full and lose weight without the emotional roller coaster. They claim increasing serotonin will do the trick. In their book, The Serotonin Power Diet, they map out a twelve week plan to help you increase your serotonin levels, lose up to 2 pounds a week, and manage your emotions. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that triggers satiety and affects emotions. The amino acid tryptophan helps the … Continue reading

Metamucil and Weight Loss

OK, I’ll admit that the topic of fiber in our diets is something you might expect to find in a health blog by a vegetarian but this definitely belongs in a weight loss blog. Truth be told, I am a carnivore. I don’t have the discipline for a vegetarian diet. I believe human beings were given canines so that we too can rip into meat. After 39 years of living in this skin of mine, I have discovered that my body runs a whole lot better when it is running on a combined fuel of protein and vegetables. (Sadly, I … Continue reading

Foods That Make You Feel Full: Fiber

Fiber is the skeleton of all plants. Without fiber, plants would have no form. They’d be algae. The beautiful thing about fiber is that the human body cannot digest it. We can chew it and it feels crunchy, allowing us to satisfy our need to chew. It provides bulk, helping us to feel full after a meal high in it. It also helps to slow digestion. This is the magical bit about fiber. Instead of allowing the sugars in our foods (added and natural) to hit our system like a rocket and cause our blood sugar to spike, fiber will … Continue reading

The Crazy Thing About Carbohydrates

The crazy thing about carbohydrates is that every molecule of carbohydrate likes to grab on to two molecules of water. For instance, think about starchy carbohydrates like oatmeal or rice. They expand in water because they grab on to it and absorb it. Well, once they are cooked, they don’t stop looking for water to grab on to. They’ll do it in your system too. That is how seemingly light foods like starchy carbohydrates become the heaviest of all and that is how we gain weight at light speed after a fast like the Master Cleanse or a low carb … Continue reading

The F Factor Diet

“Fiber and protein at every meal makes losing weight no big deal” according to Tanya Zuckerbrot, dietitian, nutritionist and mother of three. Every diet has a key. The key to this one is fiber. The F Factor. According to Zuckerbrot, “The American Dietetic Association recommends that Americans get between 25 and 30 grams (of fiber) a day. The average American is only getting between nine and 11 grams a day. The F-Factor Diet recommends 35 grams of fiber a day, and while that might seem overwhelming, it’s actually quite easy to do.” Zuckerbrot recommends kicking off each day with a … Continue reading

More About the Fat Flush

In my initial blog about the Fat Flush, I mentioned that there are some specific details about the Fat Flush that make reading the book absolutely necessary to a successful experience with it. Here is a quick overview of some of the specific items the Fat Flush calls for: Protein You have to consume at least 8 ounces of protein per day to include eggs, lean beef, lean chicken and whey protein. Every pound of muscle burns 70 calories every hour. Protein is what keeps the dieting person from wasting all their muscle to cannibalism. (Yes, your body will use … Continue reading

Tip of the Day- Focus on fiber

Yes, I really did just tell you to go eat some cardboard. Unfortunately, that’s what most of us think of when you mention fiber. We know we need it, but we really don’t want it. Fortunately, the food industry is making great strides to make fiber more palatable to the average American carnivore. Just be wary, all foods labeled “whole grain” or “high fiber” are not created equal. Fiber helps keep your digestive tract healthy, helping to prevent constipation, diverticulosis and colon cancer. It can also help lower your cholesterol and blood pressure, and regulate your blood sugar. Other sources … Continue reading


As I mentioned in my blog about Metamucil, many of us who are trying to lose weight are also fighting some of the side effects of being overweight like heart disease, high cholesterol, pre-diabetes or even full blown Type II Diabetes. Fiber, any fiber, can help us in this battle with our weight and with the accompanying health conditions. The National Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Medicine recommends that women under 50 get a minimum of 25 grams of fiber a day. Whether it is soluble or insoluble fiber doesn’t really matter. You just need to get that fiber. So … Continue reading


This is a fantastic product! I tried it on a whim after seeing it available at my local Wal Mart. My husband and I tried a powdered multi-vitamin once that was terrific but it cost about a dollar a serving which just didn’t make good financial sense to us. Emergen-C, on the other hand, makes great financial sense at about 25 cents a serving! The one thing many people who are trying to lose weight lack is energy. I couldn’t believe the amount of energy packed into one little serving of the Super Orange Energy Booster! It not only has … Continue reading