New Cabbage Soup Diet Website

This just goes to show you that anybody can create a website and make money! Somebody struck Google advertising gold when they decided to start their own website about the Cabbage Soup Diet. Anybody who has done any kind of dieting has at least heard of the Cabbage Soup Diet. The diet that promises “The more soup you eat the more weight you lose”. This diet has been around far longer than the internet. It began in the days when diets were written down by hand and photocopied to be shared by co-workers and with family members. This new website … Continue reading

The Scarsdale Diet

This is an old diet that has been around for many years. I haven’t actually tried this version but it looks like a simple low calorie, low fat, low carb, drop a lot of weight in a week kind of diet. The first three days are starch free, so one is likely to drop a good bit of water weight initially. The rules of this diet are to drink at least four glasses of water per day and you can add the following condiments to your foods: herbs, salt, pepper, lemon, vinegar, Worcestershire sauce, soy sauce, mustard and ketchup. You … Continue reading

Low Sodium Cabbage Soup Diet

With all the fuss about Jaime Pressly using this diet to take off her baby weight, I thought this would be a timely addition. The first time I tried the Cabbage Soup Diet, I used the original version that calls for Onion Soup Mix and Bouillon which are both high in sodium. In fact, the soup was so high in sodium that I retained water and actually gained three pounds! Talk about a disappointing diet! Following is a low-sodium variation that I have since found. I lost about a pound a day on this one. If you do what Jaime … Continue reading

Using the Cabbage Soup Diet to Lose Baby Weight

Jaime Pressly, an actress known for her roles in such blockbusters as Joe Dirt and Death to the Supermodels and recently for her part in the unlikely hit “My Name is Earl” had a baby in May of this year and decided to use the cabbage Soup Diet to get back into her pre-pregnancy clothes. When most people think about the Cabbage Soup Diet, they think of a fad diet. Jaime, in her defense expands on the fact that the Cabbage Soup Diet has been recommended by doctors to their patients preparing for surgery. According to a quote by Jaime … Continue reading

Flat Ab Tips

Though diet and exercise will reduce your body size there are more tips to get those flat abs that every girl (and guy) are after. If you are dieting, but are still finding that the stubborn “pouch” will not disappear here are some things that will help you to accelerate it’s bon voyage. Water: Even though it may seem like you are puffier after drinking a lot of water you are actually doing your body good. Water helps to flush the body out. This will reduce the bloating in the end. Drink eight or more glasses of water every day. … Continue reading