Weight Loss Tips for Teens

Obesity among teens is on the rise. More teens are seeking weight loss options than ever before. Teens can be impatient and want to see results fast like before homecoming or the next party. This can lead to unhealthy choices that will harm their bodies and sabotage weight loss efforts. Here are some basic tips to losing weight safely. Eat Breakfast: Skipping meals is the fastest way to sabotage your weight loss goals. While it seems logical that eating too much causes weight gain so eating too little should cause weight loss that simply is not the case. Breakfast is … Continue reading

Switching the Order of Meals Causes Weight Loss?

I like chicken and fish. I can eat them at any time of the day. Baked, grilled, roasted, it doesn’t matter. According to the book, The Reverse Diet, I should start my day with dinner and for dinner have breakfast. It’s the strategy that Tricia Cunningham, creator of the diet and co-author of the book, used to lose 170 pounds. It has been seven years and she is still at her goal weight of 130 pounds. The concept of the diet seems simple, but there is more to it. At first glance, it looks like a new fad. However, according … Continue reading

Lose Weight: Increase the Flavor of Your Meals

The one thing I won’t give up, when dieting, is flavor. I recently read a diet book that claimed emphasizing food flavor could result in weight loss. “The Flavor Point Diet” was written by Dr. David L. Katz, Director of the Yale Prevention Research Center, with his wife, Catherine S. Katz, PhD. The diet has three phases. In the first phase, daily meals follow a specific flavor theme, such as: apple, lemon, spinach, or onion. According to the book, consuming a repeated flavor, like lemon, in each meal will tell your brain that you’re full. When you reach the second … Continue reading