Keeping Portions in Mind: Part 1

“My doctor has advised me to give up those intimate little dinners for four, unless there are three other people eating with me.” –Orson Wells We live in a world where bigger is seen as better unless we are talking about dress size or thigh size. Super Sizing seems like it hits the spot when you are so hungry you could eat a horse. Our eyes have been trained to see proportions as bigger than what is real. We expect more food on our plate when we go out to eat. We want to eat until we have satisfied our … Continue reading

Eating Consciously

I’ve always disliked the idea of studying labels in the grocery store, pulling out my calculator to determine ratios before putting things in my cart. But so many additives are being put into our food these days, we have to become more label-savvy in order to make sure that we’re not harming our bodies while we’re trying to help them. I’ve recently been put on a low-sodium diet, and I’ve been amazed at the sheer amount of sodium that is found in most of our foods. Even foods that aren’t blatantly salty contain quite a bit of sodium—one brand of … Continue reading