Have You Supersized Your Expectations?

Go into any fast food drive through and you will be asked if you want to “supersize” your order, to get just a little bit more than what you were originally expecting. The problem is that those supersized meals can lead to fat belly and a skinny wallet. When we want to save money or live within our means, we talk a lot about the opposite, downsizing. This could be anything from cutting back on the number of times per week that we eat out to moving into a smaller home. Downsizing things can certainly save money. But, if you … Continue reading

Just Say No to Super-Sizing It

“Would you like to super-size your order?” Have you ever been asked that question? It seems like a sweet deal. You get more food for just a little bit more money. It may not seem like a big deal at the time—what’s a few more fries—but if you super-size every single time you eat, you are adding on a tremendous amount of calories. When you add them up over the long haul you are packing on too much fat. I think the super-size mentality has gone even beyond the fast food chains. Do you find yourself super-sizing at home? You … Continue reading

Sizing Up Brinkley’s Latest Divorce

So much for going after Liz Taylor’s record… Last week Christie Brinkley announced that she has sworn off marriage… for good… maybe. Seriously, the former supermodel, who recently took her cheating ex-husband Peter Cook to divorce court in what was considered one of the ugliest splits in Long Island history, says she is over the idea that marriage is forever. Did I mention Cook was Brinkley’s fourth husband? In the end Brinkley and Cook settled out of court with the gorgeous blond bombshell paying her philanderer ex $2 million in exchange for sole custody of their children. By all accounts … Continue reading

Adoption Blog Month in Review, April 2007: Part Two

Please see Part One of this blog for updates on adoption blog writers and highlights from late March and early April. In Feeling Different from Family? I muse on finding the right balance between acknowledging our daughters’ different ethnicity and heritage and overemphasizing them. My daughter puts my fears at least temporarily at rest with this zinger—check it out. In How Do You Introduce Yourself to Your Own Child? -Part One: Prepare Them I talk about things adoptive parents can do, even from a distance, to prepare their child for the transition, such as sending photos, tapes, and even a … Continue reading

GreenHouse Foundation

The latest season of “The Voice” just wrapped and Cassadee Pope from Team Blake was named the winner.  Cee Lo Green’s team didn’t produce the winner, but Green, who was a former member of Gnarls Barkley, is still a winner.  He apparently takes is last name very seriously because he and sister Shedonna Alexander have founded the GreenHouse Foundation. The GreenHouse Foundation was founded to promote “green” education for disadvantaged children in school districts.  The groundbreaking ceremony was held at Green’s alma mater – Southwest Atlanta Christian Academy.  The students there received a donated greenhouse in which they can grow … Continue reading

How many bags of flour do you need to lose?

Before I knew it, I gained a great bit of weight. I remember being discouraged at the prospect of losing fifteen pounds. After being underweight, then working out and getting into shape, it was a hard adjustment to have a baby and find myself fifteen pounds overweight. At time went on and I worked out less consistently and had three more kids, I continued to gain weight. A variety of factors played into my weight gain such as not watching what I eat, not working out, and my metabolism slowing down due to age and having babies. So, here I … Continue reading

I’m Bored Therefore I Eat

So there you are sitting at your desk with nothing to do but tap your pencil in a rhythmic motion to the annoyance of your co-worker in the next cubicle. While you were just getting the hang of tapping out the American anthem, you decide that vending machine is calling your name. Hmmm…what sounds good in this moment of sheer boredom? You can choose from a candy bar, chips, soda, or Little Debbies. Well, this is already working as the choosing process is already giving you something to do for the moment. As you slip your quarters in the machine … Continue reading

Why It’s Getting Harder to Stay Fit When Cooking at Home

Many people think that cooking meals at home versus eating out is a great way to save money and calories, but a new study shows that may not be the case. Restaurants have long been the target of attacks by nutritionists, who maintain that portion distortion, is creating a nation of unfit super-sized fatties. Well, now it appears the trend of serving up huge helpings is being employed by cookbooks as well. A new study published this week in the Annals of Internal Medicine looked at how traditional recipes have changed during the past 70 years. Researchers found a nearly … Continue reading

Is Buying in Bulk Bad for Your Budget?

You’ve probably seen all of the many headlines that infer we are getting fat from super sizing our burgers and fries. Now the media is telling us that we are also getting fat, and our wallets are getting thin, from bulk buying at the warehouse stores. ABC News aired a story claiming that the warehouse stores encourage excess; people get carried away shopping at warehouse stores, buying more than they thought they would and consuming more because they have more. “One woman we spoke with at Costco said she often spends more than what she planned to spend. “You can … Continue reading

Fat Fighting Arsenals

Are you concerned about your children’s weight? Are you worried that they might have a weight issue, but you aren’t sure how to target it and you need to be careful to avoid damaging their self-esteem? Here are a few tips for moms and dads alike to employ in helping their whole family achieve healthier eating habits and increased activity to stimulate weight loss. Remember, there is no single solution to being overweight. It’s a combination of environmental factors that brought you or your family to the weight you are now. So it will take a combination of solutions and … Continue reading