Does your dog eat better than you?

How do you treat your body? Do you use it like a BMW or an old junker? Do you respond to your body’s needs or ignore the needs because you have other priorities? Is your body a temple or a dumping ground? I’m not sure these are questions we often consider. Do we think of that when we work through lunch or drink soda when thirsty instead of water? I recently saw a commercial for dog food. The commercial showed loving pet owners explain how they choose this brand of dog food because of the superior nutrition as compared to … Continue reading

Increase Your Spirituality Through Finding Balance

As I look for peace in my life I find that it is directly related to my current level of spirituality and my focus on putting God and family first in my life. When I do this I am more at peace. I feel that I can accomplish more and everything else just falls into place. I write about this topic a lot, because I also find that it is too easy to allow myself to fall out of balance. It is easy to stop trusting the Lord and to worry obsessively about things that I have no control over. … Continue reading

Body Image and Weight Gain in Pregnancy

A study at Temple University has resulted in some interesting information about body image and excessive weight gain in pregnancy. As most women know, some of us have an accurate body image, but others view themselves as either thinner or heavier than their actual body weight. According to researchers, this distorted body image can result in a greater risk of gaining too much weight in pregnancy. Over 1500 women who were enrolled in a program called Project Viva were participants in the study. The women were classified as normal weight, overweight or obese. These groups were subdivided into women with … Continue reading

Creating a Healthy Lifestyle for Your Family

Spring has officially come, and it is a great time to help your family focus on caring for themselves in a healthy way. The Word of Wisdom teaches us to care for our bodies. We need to be careful about what we eat and choose to put into our bodies. We also need to care for our bodies through exercise and proper rest. As we do this our family life will be smoother and everyone will be happier. Here are some ideas to help you get your family choosing a healthier lifestyle. 1) Plan a family home evening lesson that … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: “Thou That Destroyest the Temple…”

As the Savior was tried in court, and later as He hung on the cross, His persecutors mocked Him with His earlier words. “Ah, thou that destroyest the temple, and buildest it in three days,” they taunted, “Save thyself, and come down from the cross.” (Mark 15:29-30) Their choice of words was quite ironic. Earlier in His ministry, the Savior was asked to show a sign of His divinity. He responded, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.” (John 2:19) Note that He did not say that He would be the one to destroy the … Continue reading

Eight Quick Fixes For Body Aches

Use ice to ease the ache. Keep a paper cup of ice in the freezer and just peel it away for instant relief. Apply the ice for five minutes, then give yourself five minutes to warm up a bit. Give yourself time to heal. If you’re a believer in “no pain, no gain” it is time to change the way you think! Gentle exercise is okay; pushing yourself to the point of severe pain is not. But getting the blood flowing will help promote healing. Sore muscles from that workout? Eat tart (not sweet!) cherries or drink tart cherry juice. … Continue reading

Realizing My Body Is a Temple

In my effort to be healthy and look healthy to achieve the new me before the end of the year, I realized I had a lot of house cleaning to do—and I’m not talking about my stick built house, I’m talking about my body. I’ve had to become really honest with myself and begin to view myself differently than I have been. I need to view my body as a temple of the Holy Spirit. My body is mine on loan and I really need to be taking better care of it. “Or do you not know that your body … Continue reading

Treating Our Bodies as Temples

In the church we look on the body as a temple. It is important that we take care of our bodies and that we do not desecrate them. We are counseled to avoid tattoos (if you had one before you joined the church, it is a different story), only pierce our ears once, and to keep our appearance neat and comely. This is important since we are all representatives of the church. Since we are supposed to make sure that our appearances our clean and appropriate, is it not just as important to take care of our bodies so that … Continue reading

RS/EQ: Ye Ought ‘Not Procrastinate the Day of Your Repentence’

We are already a week into the new year. How are you doing at keeping your New Year’s resolutions? Have you started yet, or are you putting them off until ‘tomorrow’? Some resolutions may not matter, but others may well have eternal consequences. The first Priesthood/Relief Society lesson from “Teachings of the Presidents of the Church” is entitled “To Live With Him Someday.” President Kimball discusses the things we need to do to return home to our Heavenly Father. As I studied the lesson, one of President Kimball’s quotes stood out in my mind. One of the most serious human … Continue reading

When Your Child on the Autism Spectrum has RAGE

When I was a young mother with a newly-diagnosed autistic toddler, a woman came to my home to talk to me about her adult son with autism. What is interesting is that I do not remember who put us in touch or even her name. But she came for a visit, I suppose because I was just starting the journey, and she was a street-wise traveler. She shared some very frightening stories about her son. Our visit was not very helpful; it actually terrified me. Horror Stories She told me that once her son reached puberty, his episodes of rage … Continue reading