A Simplified Look at Gluten-Free and/or Casein-Free Diets for Autistic Kids

If you start to delve into the massive amount of information available on dietary restrictions for your autistic child, you might initially be overwhelmed. How can you determine what should be eliminated from your child’s diet, and what shouldn’t? Or is diet even a factor you should be concerned with? All over the internet, you’ll find testimonials from parents who have eliminated one substance or another (or several) and observed marked improvement in their son or daughter’s behaviors. But are these parents only seeing what they want to see? Will dietary restrictions really help your child? It’s hard to know … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: The Chicken or the Egg?

My diabetic education specialist says that people don’t get diabetes because they’re fat; they get fat because they’re diabetic. This would be a lot easier to swallow if it wasn’t coming from someone who weighs 350 lbs. Is the diabetes due to the fat or is the fat due to the diabetes? Yes, to both questions. That may seem a contradiction, but the truth is that each contributes to the other. I’m fat because I’m diabetic, and I’m diabetic because I’m fat. Not all fat people will get diabetes. Genetics definitely plays a role. I’m going to go out on … Continue reading

When Your Baby Has Food Allergies

Recently, I decided to get my baby tested for food allergies. With the history that my two boys have had, I just wanted to make sure that there were no lingering issues as we moved forward with food trialing. I had been suspicious that eggs were causing a problem with my little one when I was breastfeeding. It was one of the foods I had cut out of my diet when he was having all of his tummy issues. But, none of my children have ever been diagnosed with your typical IgE food allergies. IgE stands for Immunoglobulin E which is … Continue reading

Natural Energy Drinks

Do you live on energy drinks? Do you feel you have to have a Red Bull or Monster to make it through some days? Many Americans are so busy that they consume energy drinks just to keep up. But, if you drink energy drinks, do you really know what you are putting into your body? Consumer Reports recently conducted a study and found that some energy drink labels aren’t truthful. Some were found to have higher levels of caffeine than stated. And the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently did an investigation into five deaths believed to be somehow related … Continue reading

What’s Your Personal Love Myth?

From ancient times, myths and fairy tales have contained more spiritual truth in one telling than we can even process, which is why the soul keeps asking to have them told once again. ~-From the essay “Mythical Woman” in Sarah Ban Breathnach’s Romancing the Ordinary-~ The past week has seen a lot of discussion about romantic movies here in the Marriage Blog. It all started when Dale shared some of her picks for romantic favorites, then continued with a few more in part two. Next it was my turn to chime in with a list of 52 romantic movies you … Continue reading

Are You Allergic to Corn?

I’ve been afflicted with horrible headaches for many years. I’ve tried every treatment known to mankind, from medication (like iocaine powder, I developed an immunity to it) to chiropractic (which my back and neck loved, but it did nothing for the headaches.) I was finally put on naproxen, which is the prescription name for Aleve. Brand new on the market at the time, it had not yet been discovered just how hard naproxen is on the stomach. Not only did it not take care of the headaches, but it did a number on my stomach. I didn’t know what else … Continue reading