Weight a Minute! Getting a Life Coach

I’ve frequently heard of celebrities and other rich-type people hiring personal trainers, personal stylists, personal dressers, personal assistants—all these persons who personally see to their every need. In some ways, that sounds fabulous. I could use a maid, a cook, a nanny, a driver, a gardener . . . well, okay, I don’t really have a garden, but I have a flower bed, and I think that counts. What I really need, though, is a life coach. Someone who can take a look at my life and clearly see what I need to do to get where I need to … Continue reading

How to Handle a Plateau

“Help! I hit a plateau after losing 10 pound in 5 weeks!!! What should I do? By the way, I jog 60 minutes 4 days a week.” Congratulations on your weight loss! 10 pounds in 5 weeks is excellent. It equates to only 2 pounds per week. That sort of weight loss does not come as a shock to the system and is considered sustainable, healthy weight loss. There is no reason you shouldn’t be able to continue to lose 2 pounds per week until you reach your goal weight, providing all the other factors are ideal. Here are some … Continue reading