In Memoriam 2011 – Part 3

After the slight interruption by the implosion of Sinead O’Connor’s 17 day marriage, I now return you to those we lost in 2011. May 2011 I think I can safely say that not everyone mourned when terrorist Osama Bin Laden was killed during a U.S. attack on May 1st in his compound outside Islamabad, Pakistan. Bin Laden, who was on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List, was 54 years old. “Our Gang” lost another member when Jackie Cooper, the first child actor to receive an Academy Award nomination, died on May 4. The actor made the transition from child … Continue reading

I Am A Bad Role Model

Well as I mentioned my exercise is limited but I wanted to say what I can do and hopefully by telling you what I am eating, cut out of eating and what I doing for exercise. First what I am cutting out of my diet. I am not a huge fan of sodas but I do drink 1 or 2 a week. Never the diet kind (I hate the after taste) so I am going to totally eliminate my soda intake. I have already cut out all fried foods two years ago when my gallbladder was removed. If I wrote … Continue reading

You Can’t Fill Every Role As A Single Parent

Single parents often feel very alone, almost like you’re the only one in the world facing these particular problems and challenges. Although everyone does have their personal uphill battles, according to the US Census Bureau, in 2006 there were 12.9 million one-parent families in the United States. Of those, 10.4 million were single mothers. Assuredly, today there are millions more. So, the good news is that we really aren’t alone. The bad news is, it’s still a tough job fulfilling so many roles. Is it really possible to be everything to your child or children? As a self-proclaimed workaholic and … Continue reading

The Parents’ Role

I was reading in Mosiah, chapter four, recently and came upon this verse: 15. But ye will teach them to walk in the ways of truth and soberness; ye will teach them to love one another, and to serve one another. This is the Lord’s command to us as parents. Of all the things we do, of all the time we spend signing them up for soccer teams and dance classes and making sure their shoes fit and that they have clean underwear, these charges are the most important we can fulfill. We are to: Teach them to walk in … Continue reading

Are You Prepared for Your Kids to Do the Same Thing(s) You Do?

Many parents will admit that they want their child or children to “do better” than they have—whether it is get farther in school, or go through less struggles and trials, or, for many of us it is just a matter of hoping that our children do not pick up our bad habits or make some of the big mistakes that we have. Unfortunately, many of us “hope” that they won’t pick up bad habits or make unsavory choices—meanwhile, we are modeling the very behaviors we DON’T want our children to pick up… Not a one of us is perfect, but … Continue reading

TV Wives as Role Models: My Faves from the 1980s-Present Day

So far I listed my favorite TV role model wives from the 1950s to the 1970s. This list takes us through the eighties to current times. 1980s • Elyse Keaton (Family Ties): Her down to earth demeanor and strength of conviction helped her be the beacon her husband and kids turned to for guidance through rough waters. • Jennifer Hart (Hart to Hart): She was glamorous, stunning, stylish, and smart and she got to have all these amazing adventures catching bad guys with her dashing, devoted husband. • Roseanne Connor (Roseanne): This one straddles both the eighties and nineties since … Continue reading

Modeling Mentors

In thinking about mentors in your own life, what is it about them you find inspiring? Whom you chose to model aspects of your life after is truly important. I have various mentors around me but perhaps those with the most important impact on my being are those who model a Christian walk with the Lord. The Bible shares a great deal about the importance of good company. Here are a few points: Proverbs 22:24-25, “Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man do not go, lest you learn his ways and set a snare for … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have a Large Sibling Age Gap

If you are thinking about conceiving a sibling child, chances are you’ve wondered what the best time to do it is. It’s not a bad idea to take into consideration the age gap between siblings, for reasons such as rivalry and how the kids will relate to each other. I asked a group of wise mothers, all of whom have different ranges of years between siblings, what they thought were the best reasons for having a LARGE sibling gap. Here’s a breakdown of what they told me: TEN: Helpy Helperton Otherwise known as “Can you play with Junior for a … Continue reading

Are Parents To Blame For School Bullying?

Bad parenting is to blame for school bullying. At least in Japan, according to a recent Yomiuri Shimbun survey. It seems most of those surveyed believe bullying is caused by parents failing to teach their children social rules. Respondents were asked to select from eight choices what major factors they believed was the cause of bullying. Bad parenting received 65%, 55% cited children’s lack of empathy for others, 52% said parents not being aware of the suffering of their kids, 48% blamed insufficient capabilities of the teachers and 45% blamed the schools for evading their responsibility by concealing bullying cases. … Continue reading

We Are Our Kids’ Role Models

Perhaps, no one may have more influence in your child’s life than you! If you have children in your home, I believe God has entrusted them into your care for a reason. He has a purpose for them through you. While they are very young we have much influence over them as to how they will perceive their world, what they may generally believe about other people, and very importantly, how they see Christ. Even if your children are older, there is still so much you can teach them. I believe the biggest way our children learn from us is … Continue reading