The Best Healthy Food on a Budget

Most of us are familiar with the Ramen every night diet. It isn’t a plan to lose weight, rather a plan to actually afford food, and it has been made famous by college students or anyone just starting out with only a limited budget. But the Ramen Noodle diet isn’t exactly a healthy one. The “meal” contains high levels of sodium and carbs and pretty much zero nutrients. Yes, it will fill you up for less, but it isn’t something you can use to feed a family and keep them all healthy. Another source of cheap food that people often … Continue reading

Is Eating Healthy A Privilege?

Not long ago, the food pyramid became a plate. A study shows that this newer, healthier, diet, is more expensive than what most American’s can afford to eat. People like me, who have to stay on a gluten-free diet, quickly learn that these foods are pricey. It has been said that eating the foods that keep your body healthy has become a “privilege”. The United States has created new nutritional guidelines. What used to be called the food pyramid has recently been transformed into a plate. The idea was to make it easier, by giving a visual example, of how … Continue reading

Healthy Cuisine Choices – Part 2

Yesterday, I wrote about healthy cuisine choices. Today, I want to explore more of these healthy alternatives to burgers, fries, and pizzas. Japanese Being in a military town, I know a lot of people that travel to and from Okinawa. Unfortunately, we don’t have any really authentic Okinawa restaurants here. That is too bad because Japanese food, especially that from Okinawa, is very healthy. Okinawans eat dishes rich in fruits and vegetables that help fight cancer. Helping the healthiness is that the dishes are usually prepared by light steam or by stir-frying. They also practice something called Hara Hachi – … Continue reading

Can You Be Frugal and Healthy?

“Unhealthy people are poor people… and vice versa.” This is a title of a 2002 report from Columbia University. There are many reasons that poor people are unhealthy, but the number one reason is that they can’t afford and don’t have access to healthy food. Let’s face it. A 2 liter bottle of store brand soda costs $.69. Meanwhile, a gallon of orange juice costs $3.69. A large bag of potato chips cost $2.00. A small bag of banana chips cost $3.00. A Donut costs $.35. A mango costs $1.00. A coffee cake costs $3.69 and a fresh fruit salad … Continue reading

How to Afford a Healthy Diet

Dieting right isn’t easy when you’re on a tight budget. Unless you are a full time gardener and have your own greenhouse, fresh fruits and vegetables cost money and shopping for them takes time. Let’s not forget the difference in prices between healthy whole grain breads and pastas and those made from refined white flour. If you’ve done any comparison shopping lately, you know that healthy doesn’t come cheap. According to the Center for Disease Control, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Consider also that American schools are seeing a growing trend in obese students and you’ll soon … Continue reading

Diet Hype: Looking For the Next Fad

When you need to lose weight, it’s easy to fall prey to passing trends. The lure of quick weight loss is everywhere, promising a healthy, beautiful body with minimal effort. It’s sad to say, but there is a lot of money to be made peddling potions, pills, bangles, and devices to overweight people. Just the other day, I was scanning a mail order catalog. I came across an ad for a weight loss ring and this is how it’s supposed to work. Depending upon which finger the ring is worn, the pressure causes weight loss in a specific part of … Continue reading

Will a Special Diet Help Your Child?

Parents of children with special needs often get recommendations from other parents about putting their kid on a specialized diet. “I took my son off all artificial colors and additives and his hyperactivity went away,” or, “When my daughter stopped eating processed foods, her ADHD improved,” or “No more sugar for my son. It makes him lose focus,” etc. Some people swear that hyperactivity is caused by food allergies. It can be confusing for parents of newly-diagnosed children to know whether or not to pursue some of these dietary suggestions, and if so, which ones. The Brain Thrives on Good … Continue reading

Playing the Numbers Game

It’s dinnertime and you’re frantically scrambling to get your three kids under six years old fed before you have to get the oldest to his soccer game and the middle one to the barber.  You swing into McDonald’s, order, squeeze into a booth, divvy up a 20-piece McNuggets amongst your offspring, and then quickly shove the first meal of your day down your gullet. What’s the last thing you’re thinking about during this manic mealtime? Well, other than wondering if Kate Middleton is breastfeeding Prince George. That’s right; calories. Those numbers, which are now posted on many restaurant menus in … Continue reading

Eating Organic and Local For Less: Part Two

Do you want to go green in the kitchen? Cost can be a big factor that prevents families from eating organic and local food. Here are more ideas to help you eat healthy, local food and support local farmers! Get local! Food deserts are a rising concern. In these places, it’s hard to find any sort of healthy food aside from a convenience store. If you have a hard time getting to a store to shop for healthy food, you may be living in a food desert. In this case, programs like Farm to School programs or mini seasonal markets … Continue reading

Choosing the Right Eating Plan

I really don’t like using the word “diet,” so instead I am going to refer to your eating plan. In this blog we are going to examine how you can pick the best eating plan for you. Remember that no one plan is the right one for every single person. You have to determine what works best for you, which means taking into consideration a number of factors. The first thing you need to consider is if the eating plan is “doable.” I remember years ago joining a group called “Prism.” You had to eliminate all breads and sugars. This … Continue reading