Grilled Veggie Sidedish

Recently, I had a wonderful low fat and healthy side dish at a cook out. After eating a ton of it, I was forced to ask for the recipe. The woman who made it was gracious enough to email me the recipe the next day. It is super easy to make with only five ingredients that you may even have on hand. It was so good that I just had to share it here. Finding recipes friendly to watching your waist is essential, especially when the recipes are this good. This is a wonderful side dish with grilled steak or … Continue reading

Can Honey Prevent Obesity?

When you think honey do you of sweet treats like honey buns? Honey is a natural sweetener used for baking, in teas, and a variety of fun candy and treats. My daughter loves to eat honey candy and even suck the honey out of those honey sticks. You can get honey sticks in a variety of flavors. Lately we hear about the amazing health benefits of honey that make that sweetener just a bit sweeter. However, would it surprise you to know that the consumption of honey can aid in weight loss? When I came across that information my mind … Continue reading