Diabetes and Weight Loss

November is Diabetes Awareness Month. I know every month seems to have a mascot these days but it can be crucial to your health to know more about this illness. If you do not have diabetes you need to be aware of the factors that can contribute to you developing Type 2 diabetes. If you currently have Type 2 diabetes you will want to learn more about how to lower your blood sugar through diet and exercise and lessening your dependence on insulin. In a National Institutes of Healthy study, participants who were over weight and had high yet not … Continue reading

Pumpkin Hazelnut Bread

If you are watching your sugar levels due to diabetes or because you are concerned with your sugar levels then you need to arm yourself with good recipes. It is hard to change your lifestyle or not feel deprived without stocking up on recipes that align with you the new change in your life. The following recipe is low in sugar and made with whole wheat flour. If you do not care for whole wheat flour you can try white whole wheat flour for a smoother texture. Pumpkin Hazelnut Bread Ingredients 3 tablespoons canola oil 3/4 cup homemade or canned … Continue reading