Getting It Done: 10,000 Steps!

I have been clocking my distance with a pedometer and I can honestly say that I am doing 10,000 steps a day. I am not going to say it did not take much effort, but the majority of the steps really did not. I am an active, borderline hyper type and sitting still is just not my thing. Relaxing on the couch and watching a movie is difficult for me to do. I am not much of a television person anyway so that does not help. I have a busy job at work and my feet hit the floor at … Continue reading

11,000 Steps A Day

Hey Moms and Dads, are you doing the 10,000 steps a day program to maintain your fitness? You might consider buying a pedometer for your kids because according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, boys should be taking at least 11,000 steps a day and girls should be taking 13,000. Easier Said Than Done Why do they want kids taking that many steps? Simple, they are doing studies and they found in their sampling of 709 kids, that 30 to 40% of those not getting that many steps a day were overweight. Overweight kids are a big deal in our … Continue reading

10,000 Steps and Counting: I Failed. . .

I had written a few guest blogs on how I was beginning a 10,000 steps a day program. I am not desperately trying to lose weight although that has been a side effect of what I had been doing. And then we were struck with one “crisis” after another. I got sick. . .then my husband. . .then the twins. . .and well I fell out of the habit. That’s what fitness is really: a good habit. We have a hard time getting fit because we don’t have good habits. Breaking a Good Habit However, I have learned that it … Continue reading

5 Tips for Staying Safe this Summer

Summer vacation is in full force. The kids are out of school and many families spend time outdoors enjoying themselves. While you and your family are out and about, make sure you are following these summer safety tips. Summer Safety Tips Prevent Playground Injuries The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that emergency departments in the United States treat more than 200,000 children ages 14 and younger for playground-related injuries. Check to make sure the surfaces under the playground equipment are safe, soft, and well-maintained. Before letting your child run and play, take a minute to make sure the … Continue reading

Tips For Making Working At Home More Workable

Working from home can be very rewarding, but it is not without its challenges. From the temptations of couch and kitchen to friends and family who think that you are available at the drop of a hat, potential pitfalls abound. Don’t let the challenges of working from home drive you back to the office, though. Here are a few handy tips for making home – based work work for you. Setting a work schedule has worked very well for me. Not only does it keep me on track as far as providing enough time to get my work done, it … Continue reading

Mall Pet Stores: The Beginning of The End

I’ve been following the story of the move some cities in California made to ban all pet stores that actually sold animals. This was made in an attempt to curb the sale of dogs and cats sourced from puppy mills and kitten factories. I talked about how, as a teenager, one of the only stores I ever liked stopping at in the mall was the pet store. I wondered where that pet store got its animals. The era of pet stores in malls might be coming to an end. California-based company Macerich, which owns shopping malls all across the country, … Continue reading

Moving Towards Your Home Based Business

Since starting your own business is no small feat, it can seem overwhelming. If you break it down into smaller, more manageable steps that you can take action on day by day, you increase your chances of moving “start my business” from your to-do list to your to-done list. Here are a few suggestions to get you started. First, have a good brainstorming session to get yourself moving in a direction towards figuring out what business you will start. Make some time for yourself to do it, and get a piece of paper (or two, or three) and write down … Continue reading

Can A Pedometer Help You Lose Weight?

A pedometer does more than just keep track of your steps. I really believe it can help you lose weight. First of all, if you are new to the idea of walking for exercise you might not realize how many steps a day you are taking. Experts believe that those who are seeking optimal fitness should take 10,000 steps a day. That sounds like a lot. In fact it might sound impossible. But I challenge you to purchase a pedometer and find out how many steps you are already taking. You just might be surprised. Once you see how many … Continue reading

Walking May Not Be Good Enough

Remember those reports that claimed getting some exercise is better than skipping out on physical fitness altogether? Well, according to new reports, that statement may need to be amended—slightly. Once upon a time (translation: a few months ago) walking was considered a decent form of exercise. But now, researchers at the University of Alberta say they have evidence that proves walking may not be enough for individuals to experience significant health benefits. According to the study’s author, generally, low-intensity activity such as walking will not provide a person marked health benefits compared to programs that occasionally elevate the intensity. Researchers … Continue reading

Spring Into Spring with an Outdoor Workout

With the weather warming up (at least in some places), you might consider moving your fitness routine outdoors. Whether it’s a bike ride around the neighborhood or a hike at your favorite state park, the opportunities to burn calories in the great outdoors are seemingly endless. If you enjoy soaking up the scenery while you sweat, then consider signing up for one of the following outdoor races being offered across the country this spring: April 4th–Pole Pedal Paddle (Jackson, Wyoming). Enjoy the Tetons as a backdrop for this skiing, biking and boating race. April 16-19–Sea Otter Classic. A biking competition … Continue reading