How Pets Help Our Health

It’s something I grew up thinking, and I don’t even remember where I first heard the idea: pets improve your health. They’re especially good for the elderly or others living alone. Pets give you someone to care about and look after, bringing additional purpose and companionship to your life. Some recent medical studies, however, indicate that owning pets might have a more direct effect on our health. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim that pet ownership can decrease our blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglyceride. Their studies also indicate that rates of stress, loneliness, and depression are lower among … Continue reading

How to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Are you not sure if your pet is overweight? Have you had trouble getting your pet to lose weight, or do those last few pounds refuse to come off? If you have any of these problems, today’s article is for you. Dr. John Lupo from the Malibu Vet Clinic posted some advice about maintaining a healthy weight for your pets on his local, and we’re going to examine it today. The first thing is to determine whether or not your pet is overweight. Obviously a veterinarian can do this, but why wait to see the vet? There are ways … Continue reading

Pet Obesity Rates Still Climbing

The trend I first wrote about two years ago is only getting worse. Pet obesity rates continue to rise in America, and unfortunately that’s not all. Not only are once-healthy pets gaining weight, ones that are already obese continue to put on the pounds. Cleveland’s Fox 8 profiles the epidemic. The Association for Pet Obesity recently ran a study that concluded 25% of cats and 21% of dogs are overweight. Those numbers are slightly up from the last study (and the last article I wrote on the topic) in 2010. As already mentioned, one of the most worrying parts of … Continue reading

Do You and Your Spouse Compete?

We’re human, so it’s only natural that we have a little bit of a competitive streak in us, right? I have to admit, I do enjoy beating Matt at a game of Words with Friends or Phase 10. He would definitely beat me in any kind of physical race or competition, so it’s only fair that I hold my own with board games, right? See, I knew you’d understand. But what about the need some husbands and wives have to constantly one-up each other? I’ve seen this happen, and it’s not pretty. Husband: I have a headache. Wife: Me too! … Continue reading

5 Tips for Your Morning Workout

Most fitness enthusiasts would agree that working out in the morning is the best. This is for several reasons. One is that if you put it off for later in the day, you are less likely to do it. Things are bound to come up or your motivation may falter. Another reason its best to exercise in the morning is that you will burn more calories because your metabolism will be raised. You will also have more energy and feel better prepared for the day ahead. While working out in the morning might be best, you should still be aware … Continue reading

Would You Be Happier to Be Thinner Than Your Spouse?

Would you be happier if you were thinner than your spouse? I recently read in “Health News” that a new study from the University of Tennessee found that women who had a lower body mass index (BMI) than their husband in the first few years of marriage were much more satisfied. What they discovered is that it really had less to do with how skinny the wife was and more to do with her BMI. They apparently followed 169 couples, from the beginning of their marriages through the next four years. Men were also more satisfied when they had lower … Continue reading

Pet Diabetes on the Rise

Diabetes runs in my family. Even though I’m only in my mid-20s, I’ve tried to start being conscious about what I eat so I can hopefully prevent the onset of the disease, or at least have an easier transition into a diabetes-friendly diet should I need to do so. While I’m prepared for the fact that one day I might learn I have diabetes, it never occurred to me that one of our pets might come down with it as well. That’s right: dogs and cats can get diabetes, and it’s on the rise in canines. MSNBC Health has a … Continue reading

Fitness Programs for Pets

Just like with humans, one half of the key to pets losing weight is for them to receive more exercise. Did you know that many veterinary centers and other groups across the country actually offer pet fitness programs? If you’re not sure how to help your pets lose weight, if everything you’re doing just doesn’t seem to work, or maybe you just don’t have the extra time to spend to help your pet shed those pounds, check to see if you have any such programs in your area. Public pet fitness programs have the added benefit of being extra social … Continue reading

Satisfaction in Eating and Fitness

Well I am happy to report that in a week and a half, I have lost four pounds. To see the results right there on my TV screen is very encouraging. I have been making a lot of changes to my life. The biggest change is finding time to exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. Wii Fit Plus has been a life saver for me. I love the variety of exercises, the way you can tailor your own fitness routine and how much fun it is. I have never so enjoyed working out as much as I do … Continue reading

Fitness for Your Emotions

It might be the last thing you think about when you are feeling down but did you know that exercise can put you in a better mood? Think about what you typically do when you are feeling down. Many of us probably turn to food, sit in front of the television or do some other mindless activity. We do these things because they seem to have a numbing affect on us. What happens after you have eaten that whole bag of chips or wasted hours in front of the television? Do you feel any better? No. In fact, you usually … Continue reading