Weight Loss: Jean Nidetch, Weight Watchers Founder

Jean Nidetch, founder of the well-known Weight Watchers, was born Jean Slutsky in October of 1923 in New York. Weighing only 7 pounds and 3 ounces when she was born her weight quickly soared. An overweight child, she states that not fully remembering, but she thinks that whenever she was sad, she was given food to comfort her. Not without friends, she had an outgoing personality. Her friends were also overweight, however. Intending to finish college her plans were halted in 1942 when her father passed away. She went to work for the Internal Revenue Service instead and remained there … Continue reading

Would You Consume Spit to Lose Weight?

Apparently, the spit of a Gila monster is the next greatest fad in weight loss. The Gila monster, which hails from the Southwest portion of the United States, has been blessed with some mighty miraculous spit. The drug Byetta, which has been successfully treating persons with diabetes for the last three years, contains Gila monster saliva. Many persons in the medical field say it’s an improvement over other medications currently on the market for diabetes. Now studies are being conducted to see if those same properties can be harnessed to help with weight loss. I’m trying to visualize just how … Continue reading

Ten Things to Say to Yourself to Stay Motivated

In the process of losing weight many people become disinterested, discouraged, and unmotivated. Sometimes it is just too much of a temptation with all of the delicious foods that surrounds us. Sometimes we become discouraged because we are not losing weight fast enough. That would be me. I know that it takes 3500 calories to lose one pound, but it just does not seem right and totally not fair, but it is fact. If you can get yourself in the mindset and focus on your ultimate goal, you can conquer the battle on the weight war. Here are some helpful … Continue reading