The Benefits of Weight Training

Today we are going to be looking into the benefits of weight training. Unless you are interested in toning your muscles, you might skip this type of fitness. But weight training isn’t just for becoming more muscular. One of the benefits not everyone is aware of is that it can help fight off muscle loss. As we age, we lose lean muscle mass and guess what replaces it? Fat! It just comes with aging and there isn’t much you can do about it, unless you replace the fat with muscle mass…which can only happen if you implement weight training. The … Continue reading

The Benefits of Flexibility Exercises

In my last blog I talked about the benefits of cardio, something I have recently incorporated more of into my fitness routine. Despite wanting to spend more of my fitness regimen doing cardio (with my biggest goal right now being to lose weight), I know that I also need flexibility exercises. Flexibility exercises have many benefits. Perhaps you are like me when it’s time to stretch. You sit down on your bottom, stretch your legs out in front of you and attempt to reach your toes. Notice the word “attempt.” I can’t do that…yet. But with flexibility exercises, my body … Continue reading

Should Children Lift Weights?

Last year about this time I attended my first preseason football meeting for my son who was going into 6th grade at the time. I had no idea what to expect and how much work it would be for him. The meeting covered more than just practice times and how to get your uniform. It also included information on the importance of nutrition and what the boys should be eating. They also talked about exercise and stressed that the middle school students would not be utilizing the workout room, which was reserved for high school football players. One of the … Continue reading

Weight Loss and an Injured Knee

Recently I was in a minor car accident. The only injury I sustained happened when my knee hit the dashboard upon impact. I had hoped this injury would be healed quickly. However, the knee is a complex part of the body and one we use quite often. Being told that I had to stay put with my knee elevated sounded like a mini vacation and an excuse to be sedentary for a short while. That shore while has turned into three weeks and counting. Some knee injuries heal in 4 weeks but it can take up to 12 months for … Continue reading

Do I Need To Spend Money To Lose Weight?

Question: I hear about people dieting and losing weight successfully on all kinds of different plans that cost money. I am on a limited income and cannot afford to do this. Can I still lose weight without joining any type of program? Answer: One pound equals 3,500 calories. The combined efforts of decreasing your food intake and increasing the amount of calories that you burn due to exercise less 3,500 calories will lower your weight by that one pound. You do not have to be on any special program that costs you money to lose weight. If you devise a … Continue reading

Is Your Weight Holding You Back?

You are on the right track by trying to get into shape and learning all that you can about healthy nutrition. If you are currently dieting and trying to get back into shape this is the first step in being a healthier you. However, do not let being overweight hold you back from doing things in other areas of your life that will affect your quality of life. Instead focus on yourself as a whole person and not just an overweight person. The weight loss will come as long as you are dedicated to losing your excess weight, but it … Continue reading

Lose That Pouch!

The pouch. Most of us have one unless you are a great fan of exercising. Some of us have more in that area than others. Most of us would love to see it disappear. There is only one way for this to happen and it all falls in your lap. The first step that you need to take in losing your pouch is dieting. If you are overweight any exercise that you enjoy the most will help you to accomplish this. Along with cutting calories, you will see yourself slim down in no time. Since you cannot dictate where you … Continue reading

Weight Lifting and the Elderly

It’s never too late to start lifting weights. At least that’s what the authors of a new fitness study maintain. A recent study published in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise found that individuals should be hitting the weights as they age. The reason: As time goes on people gradually lose muscle mass and become more prone to falls. Researchers say as individuals age they lose fast-twitch muscle fibers, used for activities such as running, kicking a ball, or getting up and down from a chair. To reverse the effects, scientists say older people need to … Continue reading

Avoiding Classic College Weight Gain

If your child just started classes at the University of California-San Diego he or she has a better chance of avoiding the dreaded “Freshman Fifteen.” At least that’s what school administrators maintain. For the first time ever the popular college is pulling out all the stops to help students avoid packing on the pounds while on campus. The school recently unveiled its Weight Loss Solutions program–a new wellness, weight-management and counseling program designed to get freshman moving. The program addresses the problems most students face when entering college and living on their own for the first time in their lives. … Continue reading

Writers Need Physical Exercises, Too

The life of a writer is great, we get up in the morning, we sit down at the computer and we start typing. But anyone who writes a great deal sits in a chair, their shoulders hunched forward, their back is slightly arched and their arms are tucked closer to their body. This is not a natural position for the body to remain in for hours at a time. You don’t really think about the stress this puts on your back, your neck and even your shoulders and your legs. Get Out of the Chair So when you spend a … Continue reading