Forget The Don’t List Here Are Things That You Can Do While Pregnant

There can be days when it seems like your positive pregnancy test came with a list of restrictions a mile long. You go to the neighborhood deli to get some lunch and then realize that you have been told not to eat lunch meat. Ski season is just around the corner and you realize that you are going to have to sit this one out. Depending upon how far along you are in pregnancy and how your pregnancy is progressing, you may be even further restricted by bed rest and other activity limitations as you go along. Even on those … Continue reading

Exercise During Pregnancy

Everyone knows that exercise during pregnancy is a good thing, if your prenatal care provider feels that you are healthy enough to exercise. Of course, when you are pregnant, exercising may not be something that you feel like doing much of the time especially if you feel nauseous or tired. I have been pregnant twice, and the first time around I did not exercise very much. The second time, I exercised regularly from the time that I discovered that I was pregnant until a week before my son was born, when my midwives decided that it was not safe for … Continue reading

The Top Five Reasons Why I Love to Exercise During Pregnancy

As hard as it is to get starting on a regular exercise routine, maintaining it can be even harder. We all know that there are a million reasons why we cannot seem to find the time or motivation to exercise, but we cannot deny the benefits of regular exercise. While we tend to focus on the negative aspects of exercise (overcoming obstacles, finding the time and motivation, etc.), there are even more positive reasons to start a workout regimen. Upon my own personal reflection of the last few years of my own exercise routine, I realized that I have gained … Continue reading

Exercise Focus: Pilates

What is Pilates? Developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, Pilates is a physical fitness routine that focuses on the mind controlling the muscles. Joseph Pilates believed the mind and body were connected and developed a system he believed would strengthen both. The routine is designed to improve flexibility, endurance, and strengthen the core. Pilates is adaptable to any physical level through modifications of the exercise movements. The modifications help prevent injury for those on different physical levels. Pilates is a popular method of exercise with many claiming they feel stronger, leaner and more graceful in their movements. … Continue reading

Exercise in the First Trimester

Exercise is hard regardless if you are pregnant or not. It just is. It takes commitment, will-power, and education. For pregnant women exercise is absolutely imperative. Exercise along with diet can almost guarantee a pregnancy free of major complications, manageable labor, and natural delivery. Pregnant women are strongly encouraged to engage in some form of exercise daily during pregnancy. As to the intensity and type of exercise: this depends entirely on the individual pregnant woman. If she is active and has been exercising regularly before pregnancy, she can continue her regular exercise routine until it becomes uncomfortable at which point … Continue reading

Four Ways to Get Exercise During Your Pregnancy

It’s comforting to me, a person who associates exercise with pain, discomfort and boredom, that even the most disciplined women must set aside their rigorous routines during pregnancy. Is it terrible to appreciate how pregnancy puts so many of us on level playing ground? The fact is, exercise is really good for pregnant women, but it must be modified for the safety of both mom and baby. You never want to be out of breath when you are pregnant, and you certainly don’t want to be jostling that poor baby around on the jogging path. Pilates has been recommended to … Continue reading

Caffeine Alternatives for Pregnant Women

Whether or not a pregnant woman should consume caffeine, particularly in her first trimester, is up for debate. Most doctors will tell you that one cup of coffee a day is just fine. But if you are one of those women who say “better safe than sorry,” you might be struggling with giving up your daily buzz. It’s hard to give up caffeine when your body is used to it. Personally I think it’s easier to do before you are pregnant, while you are trying to conceive, that way you can slowly wean yourself off. Once your body gets used … Continue reading

Safety Tips on Jogging With a Stroller: Part II

Jogging with your baby is great exercise for Moms. It will help you to lose any weight that you might have put on when you were pregnant. It will help to tone your muscles and enjoy the company of your child while you exercise. In Part I we discussed safety tips while jogging with baby. Other additional safety tips include: * Be sure to strap your baby in the jogging stroller completely to avoid any injury. If your baby is not strapped in he or she may fall out of the stroller while you are jogging. Little fingers also have … Continue reading

The Risks of Not Knowing You’re Pregnant (Part 1)

The TV show I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant details the stories of women who go through entire pregnancies without ever knowing they are expecting a child. It’s scary enough to suddenly realize you’re about to have a baby without ever knowing you were pregnant, but imagine if you also knew that not only did you not have any prenatal care, but you had been living an unhealthy lifestyle. There are many things that pregnant women change while they are pregnant, such as not smoking, not drinking, eating healthy foods, taking prenatal vitamins, and avoiding vigorous exercise. What kind of … Continue reading

Pregnant Pilates

I have a friend who is very physically fit and currently pregnant. Before she became pregnant, she was in excellent shape. After she became pregnant, she continued to exercise under her doctor’s supervision. She is about 24 weeks and she is just starting to really show because her stomach is so well supported. It is shocking to me because when I was 24 weeks along I was already getting comments like “any day now, huh?” I asked her how she could still look so great, especially considering this is her third pregnancy. Her secret? Pilates! My “next pregnancy resolution” is … Continue reading