Fats and Weight Loss

Impossible, you say? Poppycock! Yes, the crazy truth is that we actually need some fats in our diet in order to maintain good health. (Fats are especially needed for proper brain function.) We have to be a little selective about the fats we consume when trying to lose weight but we shouldn’t, by any means, cut out all fats. Small doses of monounsaturated or polyunsaturated fats are good. Trans fats and saturated fats are bad. For instance, cooking in butter isn’t the best idea but cooking in olive oil is a great idea. Obviously, we need to be mindful of … Continue reading

Enjoy Seafood and Lose Weight!

I grew up in Maine so I’ve always loved seafood. I can live without fish sticks but put some shrimp scampi in front of me and it is all over! Well, if you are anything like me, you now have a new reason to eat seafood. Not only is it high in protein, low in fat and quite tasty but it can help you lose weight too! A recently published study in the International Journal of Obesity found that young adult men who ate a low-calorie diet that included fish had slightly more weight loss than a similar diet without … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Iron?

Iron is one of the most abundant metals on the planet. Good thing, too — iron is essential to most life forms, including humans. Iron is important to many of the proteins and enzymes that help maintain good health. What does iron do for the body? Iron is an essential component in the proteins that carry oxygen through the body. An iron deficiency can reduce oxygen delivery to the cells, leaving a person fatigued and with a compromised immune system. Iron is used by the body to help regulate cell growth and cell differentiation. The majority of the iron in … Continue reading