Puberty Can Be Emotionally Overwhelming to Adolescents

Parents may have forgotten what it was like to go through puberty. According to Psychology Today writer David Schwartz LMFT, puberty can be emotionally overwhelming to adolescents. Your tween or teen may be experiencing emotional difficulty as their body changes. According to David Schwarts LMFT, adolescents start to experience a whole new world of feelings when they reach puberty. They start to have emotions, recognizing their own sexuality and longing for closeness with others of their own age. This can create an overwhelming sense of change and uncertainty. Many adolescents aren’t sure what is happening to them. Parents can help … Continue reading

Stop Binge Eating – Part 1

Do you binge eat?  I know I do.  I’ll promise myself that this is it – I am going to stop eating so much and start exercising.  Next thing I know, I am sitting in my recliner, stuffing a pepperoni pizza in my face and watching television.  Not a good plan! But, how can you stop it?  First, you need to realize that some dieticians frown on diets because they are not teaching you healthy lifestyle changes.  If you are thinking of going on the Atkins Diet and sit there thinking “I can never have another piece of bread, ever … Continue reading

When Is It Emotional Cheating?

Last time I wrote about the importance of our friends, how they’re still so necessary even when we’re married.  I said that we can get some things from our friends that we can’t from our spouses.  That can be anything from goofy times, to a chance to talk about our relationship/our spouse (not bad mouth, but just to talk), to even filling some emotional needs. Now, I realize that this could be a dangerous line.  Emotional cheating is very real, and it’s not something to be taken lightly.  So today I wanted to point out the difference between having some … Continue reading

Are You Emotionally Ready to Start Your Own Business?

 We all know that a business plan is essential for starting a home – based business. There are other things, though, that are just as essential to home based business success that get mentioned far less often. One of these things is emotional readiness. Starting a home – based business is a leap of faith, and whether you are employed at a job and planning to leave in order to start your own business or currently unemployed and about to invest what little savings you have into working from home, it can be scary to take the plunge. Fortunately, just … Continue reading

The Emotional Roller Coaster of Breastfeeding

The post-partum period is a roller coaster of emotions. At least, it always has been for me. The sleep deprivation, the joy of being a mother all over again, the stress of making sure that you are doing everything just right. Breastfeeding seems to go right along for the ride in that roller coaster. I have been blessed to breastfeed my two older children for 14 months each. It was a difficult and beautiful time in my life and theirs. We bonded. I wanted it to end one day, and dreaded the time I would wean the next. This time … Continue reading

Portrait of an Emotional Abuser: The Stand-Up Comic

“Jane’s such an airhead, it’s a wonder she doesn’t float away completely!” “Did you hear what Bob over in engineering did the other day? He was so busy figuring up his gas mileage, he ran out of gas!” “Like Shirley really deserved that raise! Like she’s so hard-working! The only thing she ever worked hard for around here is making the most of her coffee breaks!” “What a moron Joe down in the garage is! The only way he’s gonna move up in the world is to climb on top of a car!” The stand-up comic is just that – … Continue reading

Creating Holiday Traditions

I once heard a child psychologist state that the best gift parents can give their kids is consistency. I think the shrink was on Oprah, and I’m pretty sure she wasn’t advocating consistent beatings, neglect or emotional distress. I get what the expert was trying to say; kids thrive when they don’t have to deal with chaos. They love routines, schedules, rituals and traditions. So, why not start a few as we countdown to Christmas? It’s never too late to begin a seasonal family tradition. Gather the kids and choose a holiday-themed activity everyone can have fun with. Then, make … Continue reading

Combating Emotional Eating

In my last blog I discussed what emotional eating looks like and how it plays out in someone’s life. In this blog we are going to look at ways we can combat emotional eating. First, we have to come to the realization that we cannot “will away” emotional eating. We can’t just wake up one day and say, “I WILL not eat based on my emotions.” Because guess what will immediately come in the way? Your emotions. Emotions have a funny way of intruding on us and by trying to rely solely on willpower; we are not going to be … Continue reading

What Does Emotional Eating Look Like?

One sure detriment to your fitness success is emotional eating. It is a subject that I believe we can never talk enough about. It can sabotage every effort you make. So let’s do some digging into the makeup of an emotional eater, why it happens and how it looks. This week I was talking to my hairdresser, who mentioned that her almost 18-year-old daughter recently joined the gym. She had put on some weight and I asked if she was an emotional eater. She replied, “No, she doesn’t just eat when she’s sad. She eats when she’s happy, bored, you … Continue reading

Stop Emotional Eating

We all experience stress in our lives. Sometimes we have more than other times but every time can be a challenge for an emotional eater. Eating can bring a sense of comfort and when we are stressed we want to be soothed if even for a moment. However the calories you will consume will last longer than a moment on your hips so you may want to reconsider grabbing the chips the next time stress enters you life. What steps can be taken? Ways to help curb emotional eating? Complex Carbohydrates: Consuming complex carbohydrates produces serotonin a chemical in the … Continue reading