October 24th is Food Day

Tomorrow is Food Day. What is Food Day you might ask. Food Day was instituted by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). The day was established 34 years ago, but has been on a hiatus. However, now reinstated, the CSPI hopes to raise awareness of how our food supply has become industrialized. CSPI also hopes people will see that many of us have unhealthy diets. But, on the upside, the CSPI hopes to show people that they can eat a healthier diet that is also part of a sustainable food system. I know that I can see … Continue reading

Chromium Deficiency

Your body doesn’t need massive amounts of chromium, but it does need some chromium in order to function properly. The intestinal tract absorbs very low amounts of chromium — not much more than two and a half percent of the chromium consumed at best. What your body does manage to absorb gets stored in the liver, spleen, tissue, and bones. What helps improve chromium absorption? Vitamin C (found in fruits and veggies) Niacin (a B vitamin found in red meats, poultry, fish, and whole grains) You don’t necessarily have to stress about your chromium intake. The body needs very little … Continue reading

Momma’s on a Diet: Secret Weapon 1

Being on a diet requires secret weapons. The aces you keep up your sleeve that help you to keep on track on the days when the “nibblies” strike and threaten to kill your pound loss resolve. My number one secret weapon isn’t what you’d usually associate with weight loss, but it works for me so I thought I’d share. As far back as I can remember I’ve loved beetroot. I’m not sure what you call it in the US, beets perhaps? It’s a root vegetable, that’s purple in color. You boil it in its skin then the skin just rubs … Continue reading

Switching the Order of Meals Causes Weight Loss?

I like chicken and fish. I can eat them at any time of the day. Baked, grilled, roasted, it doesn’t matter. According to the book, The Reverse Diet, I should start my day with dinner and for dinner have breakfast. It’s the strategy that Tricia Cunningham, creator of the diet and co-author of the book, used to lose 170 pounds. It has been seven years and she is still at her goal weight of 130 pounds. The concept of the diet seems simple, but there is more to it. At first glance, it looks like a new fad. However, according … Continue reading