Eating Disorders – Mixed Messages

As I was reading up on some recent research I came across two related to eating disorders/weight, and while reading them I realized how many mixed messages we are sending. One was about a spike in eating disorders in older women while the other focused on the link between body weight and personality. While I found the information in both articles interesting, there were pieces that were almost contradictory in nature. It got me thinking about the messages we send out about eating disorders. We complain about living in a culture obsessed with thinness, and often blame the media and … Continue reading

Treating Pre-Diabetes

A diagnosis of pre-diabetes can be a serious wake up call. Pre-diabetes means that you have elevated blood sugar levels, but they aren’t quite high enough to be considered diabetes… yet. According to the American Diabetes Association, more than a tenth of people diagnosed with pre-diabetes end up dealing with the full version of the disease within a year. There are two main things you can do to treat pre-diabetes and prevent going into full diabetes: make changes to your diet and increase your activity. Making a lifestyle change works — the Diabetes Prevention Program study from the American Diabetes … Continue reading

Creating a Fitness Routine that Works for You

Fall is fast approaching. You can tell by the slight nip in the air, the myriad of school buses on city streets and the huge banners flying high outside of practically every gym in town offering huge discounts to new members. Along with January (can you say New Year’s resolution?) September is the month gym owners say they see the most visitors. With summer coming to a close and the new school year beginning many people are motivated to jump start or return to a regular fitness routine. If you have been holding off on starting a new exercise program … Continue reading

Creating a Challenging Workout Routine

Now that I am training for another marathon I am back to running 30-36 miles per week. However, I could (and should) be running more miles per day in less time. That’s my challenge for the fall and winter (the marathon is next spring). The author of the training guide that I followed for my previous marathons is quick to point out that challenging yourself is extremely motivating. He’s right. After all, anyone who exercises on a regular basis knows when a routine is too easy. The challenge comes in pushing yourself to the next level instead of being satisfied … Continue reading

Body for Life Recipe: Taco Salad

Body-for-Life authorized foods aren’t the bland, basic foods that you are allowed on your average diet. The beauty of the Body-for-Life program is that you can eat a variety of regular everyday foods that can be made in your own kitchen and you will never have to skimp on flavor. This taco salad is a great example of that and takes just a few minutes to prepare. It is a complete and balanced meal that has plenty of flavor and lots of color. This recipe feeds two and you can be sure that your significant other will never know they’re … Continue reading

Day #2 on Body-for-Life

Consider a Body-for-Life Cruise On July 3, 2008, Carnival Cruise Lines will be hosting the fourth annual Champions for Life cruise. The ship will launch from San Diego, California, and sail to Cabo San Lucas, returning to San Diego on July 8, 2008. What a great motivator for anyone following the Body-for-Life program! You still have time to start and finish the Body-for-Life Challenge in time to be in great bathing suit shape for a cruise to Cabo San Lucas! If you book your passage now, you’ll have a financial investment made and that is enough to keep most people … Continue reading

Body-for-Life Recipe: Grilled Chicken Breasts

I’ve found that the best way to stick to the Body-for-Life challenge is to make sure that I have plenty of Body-for-Life authorized foods prepared ahead of time. I usually spend a few hours on Sunday (the free day) shopping and cooking for the week ahead. I find that the time I spend preparing on the weekend really makes a difference during the week when I can just pull something quick out of the refrigerator and microwave it rather than preparing things from scratch every time I need a meal. The best food to prepare ahead of time is boneless, … Continue reading

Day #1 on Body-for-Life

So you’ve decided to give the Body-for-Life program a try. You’re going to dedicate the next twelve weeks to improving your body and your life. Congratulations! As the first official day on the program, today is the day that you’ll want to take care of a few important things: 1. Take some baseline measurements to measure your progress over the next twelve weeks. 2. Set some goals for what you hope to achieve on the program. 3. Get your kitchen stocked and ready to support you, not sabotage you. 4. Familiarize yourself with the blogs, read them and get … Continue reading

Register Now for the Body For Life Challenge

Not only is the Body-for-Life Challenge the most flexible eating and exercise program I’ve found yet but it is also flexible when it comes to your entry in the challenge competition. Now remember, this is not a competition against other people. This is a competition with yourself. What matters at the end is how well you’ve transformed what you started with, not how you look against the others who are competing. There are four rounds in the 2008 Body-for-Life Challenge: If you want to compete in Round 1, you need to start no later than February 11, 2008 and finish … Continue reading

Helping A Person With Body Image Issues

Sometimes, it’s easier to see problems in our friends and family than it is to see them in ourselves. If you have a friend or loved one with a body image problem, there are a lot of things you can do to help. Watch for the warning signs of a serious body image problem. If a person is spending an hour a day (or more) talking about his “flaws”, that’s a major indicator of a serious problem. Also watch for a person changing their normal routine because of a supposed “flaw” — like a person who won’t go out for … Continue reading