Are You Treating Yourself Right?

Before I started working from home, I never really thought of myself as a lone wolf. In fact, I fancy myself to be quite a social animal. Recently, though, I have been hearing stories from friends which have solidified my opinion that working for myself, by myself is really the way to go. The things that people experience as a part of their employment never cease to amaze me. Talented people being let go suddenly, other talented people being placed in situations that show their employer’s total lack of regard for anything personal including family, the list goes on. I … Continue reading

Eating Consciously

I’ve always disliked the idea of studying labels in the grocery store, pulling out my calculator to determine ratios before putting things in my cart. But so many additives are being put into our food these days, we have to become more label-savvy in order to make sure that we’re not harming our bodies while we’re trying to help them. I’ve recently been put on a low-sodium diet, and I’ve been amazed at the sheer amount of sodium that is found in most of our foods. Even foods that aren’t blatantly salty contain quite a bit of sodium—one brand of … Continue reading

10 Tips for Eating Your Way Through the 4th of July

I imagine that if you are American, you likely have plans this weekend. I further suppose that your plans include food. . .lots of it. My mother-in-law, who I swear is somehow related to Martha Stewart via some type of home organizing gene, puts out quite the spread for the 4th of July. I haven’t spoken with her but I have visions of bratwurst, chicken, cheeseburgers, no less than 3 or 4 desserts, potato salad, and the list goes on. (She actually puts on quite the spread for any holiday. . .) However, a day of binging can set you … Continue reading

Creating A Safe Environment for Conflict

This may sound a little odd, but your marriage should be a place where you can create a safe environment for conflict. Arguments in marriage are not necessarily a bad thing. When a married couple argues, they are demonstrating their passion, their need for change and their ability to communicate. Conflict and arguments in a marriage can be very healthy for the couple. When you and your spouse participate in healthy conflict, you can actually build a respectful and loving partnership that is based on communication and passion. How Do We Do That? This is a question we have to … Continue reading

Don’t Diet: Eat Consciously

I saw a show recently where a woman had lost a ton of weight following the “French Women Don’t Get Fat” diet. Surprisingly, she drank wine every day and even ate cheese. The theory behind the diet is that the French utilize a little tool Americans seem to have lost: portion control. Yes, they indulge in sinful treats, but they adhere to the three-bite rule. Only take three bites then put it down or push it away. It makes sense. Think about your mother. Another blogger, Heather, commented on this. Our mothers didn’t crash diet. They ate what they wanted. … Continue reading

Holy Flow Parenting – A New Style

What would you say if someone were to ask you what your parenting style was? There are some who would readily identify as a helicopter parent, or a “Tiger Mother”. Some parents would describe their style as authoritative, and others might say their style is traditional. What if you don’t feel like you fit into any of those boxes? Maybe your style is similar to Holy Flow parenting. Holy Flow parenting is a concept that appears to have been created by Brooke Hampton. You can learn more details about her parenting style, her family, and more on her blog Barefoot … Continue reading

Negativity Toward Self

Have you ever considered that the way you see yourself could be a hindrance to a fitter, healthier you?  So often we look at roadblocks as outside sources…lack of time, money, or even our own motivation. Yet if we don’t see ourselves in a positive light, this can also stand in the way of success.  There are a couple of reasons why.  One is that we unconsciously believe that we don’t deserve better. We may look in the mirror, hating what we see and think that this is it…this is the best we can do.  We aren’t worth the time … Continue reading

Unhealthy Behaviors and Emotions

Does psychology play a role in the ability to lose weight?  For some people, the battle to shed extra pounds requires more than a good diet and exercise plan.  There could be something much deeper going on. In fact, some experts believe that in the majority of cases where people struggle with their weight, there are unhealthy behaviors and emotions involved.  If that’s true, then the best plan in the world won’t be able to conquer the problem. So it comes down to the heart of the issue.  It may go beyond the lack of willpower to stop eating when … Continue reading

Homemade Hand Sanitizer

The other day, I visited my best friend in the hospital. She had surgery for ruptured discs and although the operation went well, I still wanted to stop by and see her. We visited during my lunch hour then I left to go back to work. Once I got in the car, I realized I hadn’t washed my hands. I am probably not as fanatical about washing my hands as I probably should be, but for some reason, I always feel incredibly germy after leaving the hospital. I was afraid I’d stick my fingers in my mouth unconsciously, so I … Continue reading

Practicing Conscious Spending

When you are always aware of what you are spending and how you are spending, you’ll save money every time. Whether you seem to always be heading out to the mall, or you can’t resist creating a wall of canned goods while extreme couponing, consider reviewing a checklist of questions that will reveal the real answers behind your shopping. The urge to shop can often be a coping mechanism. It gives us a lift in the day and may be an attempt to meet emotional needs. Sometimes we simply find ourselves shopping or adding extra things to our list without … Continue reading