5 Fitness Tips

A fit lifestyle encompasses so much more than just eating right and exercising. You can be doing those two things but if you fail to meet any of the following 5 fitness tips, it could be slowing down your progress or even defeating what you are doing. While we don’t think much about the need for sleep when it comes to fitness, it really is a vital part of your fitness plan. So my first tip is to get enough sleep. Now of course we have all heard that we should get an average of 8 hours of sleep. However … Continue reading

Working Out But Still Not Losing Weight?

Are you putting in extra time at the gym, but still not seeing the results you would like? I faced several questions recently regarding a study that came out about a possible correlation between exercise and weight gain. Clients begin working out and if they don’t lose weight immediately they get frustrated and give up. Here are a few tips which may help: 1. Don’t reward yourself with food. A client recently said, “I felt so much better eating an extra slice of pizza the other night because you worked us so hard in class.” Don’t get me wrong, I … Continue reading

Nutrition Made Easy

Are you at a loss as to how you should be eating healthy? The new food pyramid website can show you how. At http://www.mypyramid.gov/ you can learn about anything pertaining to healthy eating. This website will let you know what you should weigh, what you should be eating and how much you should be eating. You can track your weight and activity on My Pyramid as well. At My Pyramid you will be taken inside the pyramid to discover what food groups and how much of each are recommended. There are tips and resources available to answer any of your … Continue reading

Weight Loss: Setting Realistic Goals

Losing weight is not an easy task for most. A common mistake that people make when they attempt to lose weight is setting their goals too high instead of keeping within realistic limits. If you consider that it takes a 3500-calorie deficit in order to lose just one pound each week you will understand that expecting to lose more than a couple of pounds per week is not advisable. If you do so you will be setting yourself up for possible disappointment. In doing this you will likely lose interest in your endeavors and be subject to discouragement and defeat. … Continue reading

Lose Weight In Pairs

Everyone knows that motivation is key when you’re talking about losing weight. And let’s face it. . .staring at broccoli and asparagus tips for lunch and dinner all week is not exactly what I would classify as motivating. However, you stare at those broccoli and asparagus tips with a buddy and you have the recipe for successful weight loss. A recent study showed that you are 5 times more likely to reach your weigh loss goal if you pair with someone who has similar weight loss goals. This means if you have 10 to 20 pounds to lose, make sure … Continue reading

Dad’s Losing It: Slow Motion

I am in slow motion. There is not too much positive happening with this Dad right now. It has been eight days since my last workout and I feel large and not-so-much-in-charge. On Saturday, I was in Manhattan, a walker’s paradise, and did a fair amount of urban hiking – about 30 blocks in total – during the two mealtime breaks from the marathon performance of Tom Stoppard’s epic trilogy The Coast of Utopia. We decided to drive up to New York and park across the street from Lincoln Center, as opposed to taking the train – so the long … Continue reading

Losing Weight Means Finding Out What Works For You

Have you heard the weight loss story of Roger Troy Wilson, the author of the book Let’s Do Lunch? He went from 425 pounds and a 60 inch waist to 195 pounds and a 36 inch waist after devising his own weight loss plan. He claims that he developed his weight loss regimen through trial and error. He makes four suggestions to help you get started. 1. Eat enough fruit each day to curb your cravings for sweets. 2. Lunch should be your main meal and it should be protein packed. 3. Succumb to cravings, if you must, but choose … Continue reading

Fifteen Weeks Post Partum

At twelve weeks post partum I wrote about being stuck in a rut of sorts. While my muscles were getting toned and my clothes were starting to fit again, I was not losing any weight. I made some changes by watching what I was eating more closely and keeping track of my food intake with my food journal. The biggest change has been cutting back on sweets. What I discovered was that I was going way over my breastfeeding caloric needs. I was eating when I was not hungry because whatever it was that I was eating tasted good e.g. … Continue reading

Fitness Programs for Pets

Just like with humans, one half of the key to pets losing weight is for them to receive more exercise. Did you know that many veterinary centers and other groups across the country actually offer pet fitness programs? If you’re not sure how to help your pets lose weight, if everything you’re doing just doesn’t seem to work, or maybe you just don’t have the extra time to spend to help your pet shed those pounds, check to see if you have any such programs in your area. Public pet fitness programs have the added benefit of being extra social … Continue reading

You are fat and it’s your own fault!

“Each of us is responsible for how we look and feel. If you’re fat it’s your own fault; if you’re thin and fit it’s your own fault, too.” That is the thought of Steve Siebold, author of Die Fat or Get Tough: 101 Differences in Thinking Between Fat People and Fit People. Siebold is an expert in the field of mental toughness and has worked with Fortune 500 companies, athletes and professionals to give them a sense of control over their thoughts and feelings in order to achieve excellence. He now has written a book on how one must have … Continue reading