Surviving Sleep Deprivation

You have a baby. Your baby does not sleep. This might be because he’s teething, or he has colic or reflux. Or perhaps he is just simply a baby, and one who does not sleep. Babies naturally wake at night because they are hungry and because it’s adaptive to connect with mama a lot during the night time hours as well as the day time. Whatever the reason, how can you survive the days and the weeks of sleep deprivation that follow the birth of your child? Here are some strategies to survive sleep deprivation, from someone whose child neglected … Continue reading

Ask a Baby Blogger: Solve Our Sleeping Issues

Question: I have this problem with my one year old every night. I end up putting him in his crib and letting him cry for 5 to 10 minutes. After this I go in the room like I am the savior and pick him up. He has worn himself out so much from crying that he lays down on my chest and goes to sleep. There has to be a better way. Then his bed time is 10. I need to figure out a way to get him to become tired earlier and to help him go to sleep easier. … Continue reading

How to Live on One Income

Is your goal to live on one income so you or your spouse can be a stay-at-home parent, pursue schooling, keep house, or another establish another endeavor? Take the following steps to make sure that you are well prepared for your lifestyle change. Get a New Attitude If you are currently living on two incomes, you may need to make some changes, both drastic and non-drastic in order to make the one income work for your family. Embrace money-saving ideas, such as shopping at yard sales or thrift stores, cooking at home, and bargain hunting. Look at these practices as … Continue reading

Gearing Up for Holiday Eating

For some, the thought of the holidays brings a sense of dread…hard to believe it is almost that time again. Then for others it brings a sense of cheer. But like it or not, they will be here before you know it. How do I know? I am already seeing Christmas decorations. Wow, can’t we at least get through Halloween first? So that means we will be faced with holiday eating temptations yet again. How did you manage last year? Did you hold up or did you buckle? I think it’s important that when it comes to fitness, we not … Continue reading

Thinking about Cravings

I just sat down and ate a bag of reduced-fat microwave popcorn with Magic Shell chocolate syrup on top. It’s not as gross as it sounds, really! (I like salty and sweet together.) That snack was my compromise. What I REALLY wanted was to head to Cold Stone Creamery and get a crazy ice cream concoction. My sweet tooth was in overdrive, and I had to do something. The choco-popcorn satisfied the craving without making me feel too guilty about eating something bad for me. According to a study from Tufts University, most women experience strong cravings — more than … Continue reading

Don’t Stop Grazing!

I just saw a headline that read “How to Stop Grazing”. That is the wrong attitude for people who are trying to lose weight. When we diet, we stick to more strict rules about food and we often feel deprived. Grazing can help us to overcome that feeling of deprivation. Don’t stop grazing! Just stop grazing on junk! It is no secret that I’ve been on my share of diets. I’ve tried pretty much all of them at one time or another in my life. That has given me quite an opportunity to learn from each of them. (FYI I’ve … Continue reading

“Momnesia” Is Not Just in Your Head

When my first daughter was born, I wrote a check for fourteen hundred dollars. The problem was that the amount due was fourteen dollars. The company very kindly called me, and to my embarrassment I found myself saying, “I’m sorry, I just had a baby.” While I’m sure I made the office bulletin board of loopy customers, it turns out that there’s something to this loopyness that we moms get after we have babies. Personally, I’ve always blamed the sleep deprivation. I am one of those people that needs at least a solid nine hours of sleep per night. I … Continue reading

4 Tricks for Getting More Sleep at Night

In my last article, I wrote about how really, sleep is a function of temperament and you get what you get as far as newborns go. Some newborns wake every hour and others sleep through the night early on. “Sleep training” a newborn is never a good idea. However, there are things you can do to minimize the waking at night and help your baby work with his own biological clock. Maintain a consistent bedtime and waking time. Even in the early days of having baby home with you, have a set bedtime. Every night, at the same time, put … Continue reading

Do Men Get Hot Flashes Too?

Believe it or not, some men can be just as troubled by hot flashes as some women. For women, hot flashes usually come in association with menopause. Menopause is when estrogen levels drop in a woman’s body, causing all sorts of changes. For men, hot flashes are associated with androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer. Prostate cell growth is stimulated by testosterone. If you reduce hormone levels or block hormone action in the body, it can help make radiation therapy for prostate cancer more effective. As much as eighty percent of men who receive androgen deprivation therapy end up experiencing … Continue reading

Want to Lose Weight? Try These Three Steps

You want to lose weight, but you don’t know where to begin. Should you take weight loss supplements? Is online support the way to go? Which diet plan really works? Weight Watcher’s, Jenny Craig, whose system should you choose? Take a look at these three steps to help you conquer information overload. Step One: Things to Consider 1. What is your personal weight loss goal? How many pounds do you want to lose 5, 15, 50, 100, or more? 2. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it for yourself, a loved one, or for your health? 3. How … Continue reading